Hey guys - quick post, I'll fill in the details later.
I'm keeping it simple so I can focus on making it good without having to worry about people getting it or not.
Here's my idea, cave girl prisoner escaping from troll dude (ignore the guy in the top left, he was the start of another idea)

I'm excited aboutt his, should be a good learning experience!
EDIT: As suggested, I'll fill in my idea for the guy in the top left of the above concept. Basically I was going to have a tarzan-type character escaping from either
a) giant spiders...or something oversized!
b) men with arrows and such.
I would probably go for a over b, simply because it'd be easier to replicate loads of giant insects and not worry about them looking too similar
What do you guys and gals think? It's not too late to change up the idea!
I'd turn the big fella into something more animalistic monster like since the prisoner is human, either way good luck with it d00d
I'm going full 3d on this one, should be a nice challenge.
Good tips on the big guy, when I get down to more idea generation I'll give the animalistic route a try!
If you decide to stick with the girl and troll, then I think it would be best to add a little more clothing to her pelvic area to help it make a little more sense as a whole design.
I'm looking forward to seeing what your final result will be, regardless of the idea you run with.
I'll edit my original post now that I have more time to explain the other concept. Do you think that the troll/cave girl idea is missing something?
I agree with adding something to her waist, hopefully it'd tie the design together a bit better.
Cheers dude, you've been very helpful