Hello, so as part of a class assignment, I've been tasked with getting a single 3d model of my choosing critiqued. So hopefully some of y'all can give my model a look over and let me know what you think. Don't be pulling any punches now, I'll only improve with your honest comments and critiques.
A bit about this model, this model is based off a friend I had to do for class a semester ago. The base structure of the model was first done in Maya than it was brought over into Zbrush for some of those details. At the end of the semester, this was the result.

First off, by my estimation, he seems to be about 6 and 1/2 heads tall, so his proportions would probably put him at a stocky, shorter person. Is that what you are going for?
He's very boxy, and the clothes are wearing him, rather than the character wearing the clothes. The folds and wrinkles sell for the most part in the torso, but the folds on the cloth in the limbs seem like giant wrinkles rather than folds.
The back of his hair, the end of his sleeves, and the end of his jacket are unnaturally straight. It gives the impression that his clothing and hair is made of plastic.
The belt looks like a rubber tube, and it probably will need ends that are wrapped/folded and draping.
His hands are too flat. The thumb doesn't line perfectly with the fingers and the palm should stick out a bit at that angle.
Good luck with your class!
The only thing I can tell you is that the folds don't make any sense. Did you looks at references while sculpting them?
Thanks for the critique Josh.0 and good points all around. I do see what you mean of the clothes, but never actually caught the issues of how many heads tall my model was. Huge overlook, thanks for pointing that out.
Here are the close up shots you requested Popol, I hope they're good enough. Lemme know and thanks for taking a look at my work.
Head Left
Head Right
Hand Back
Hand Palm
The face really needs a rework. I have no idea what your reference was so I'll go for standard proportions :
- eyes are too high, they should be in the middle of the head
- eyes are too big
- hairline is too high
- side of the lips should aline with the eyes
Hope that quick liquify example will help you understand
And for the folds on his clothes (I guess it's a kimono), they should make more sense. A folds appears because there is tension, because there is a belt, his arm/leg bends, etc... Understand this and folds will become super easy and fun to sculpt
As for the height of the character, 6 heads and 1/2 looks OK to me if you intended him to be short. An ideal height for an adult man is around 8 heads.
Unfortunately I can't really help you much with the hands, they need too much rework =/ A simple paint over wouldn't really help. My advice would be to pay much more attention to the best reference for hands... your own hand!
Hope this can help you improve your character. Don't hesitate to post your progress!
Hey thanks for the second look Popol! Sorry I can't provide reference, as it was a friend, he kinda prefers I don't post his pics and all.
I appreciate the in depth look you took with all my work. Funny how I worked on this model for 3 months and didn't even catch 10% of what you say. Thanks for that.