Hey Guys,
I don't nearly post enough here, I'm sorry, but I've been busy for the last 4/5 months on my first ever App, which actually turned out pretty good, I'm just trying to get the word out,
And I've been describing it as;
'Gravity Milk is an addictive and almost therapeutic, tilt-screen, bottle collecting game for everyone to enjoy! '
It's available for free on google play;
I started working on it after not being able to find work in the games industry despite my best efforts and degree in computer games modeling and animation. And I actually paid for some of the software I needed using my job seekers allowance, so thanks tax payers

when I got a job in "administration" I only had nights and weekends to finish it.
I've literally poured my heart and soul into this little app, and it would mean alot to me if you guys would give it a download

Can you PLEASE make a Panda Character? :P My nickname by the Mrs is Panda and hers is Penguin and she screamed when I shown her your game! :P
I also want to make an octopus