Greetings Adventurers.
I've been working on this .357 mag for a little while and figured I should post some progress to try and get some feedback / insight.

Here is the low poly with a basic diffuse, normals and spec/gloss.


Low poly with AO / Normals.

This is the high poly minus some surface details added to the grip in zbrush.

I'm still currently working on adding a few smaller details like the emblem on the grip, rotating pivot for the cylinder (not sure it's proper name) and the etched details across the weapon.
I got sidetracked trying to figure out some shading errors that are occurring on the edges of the body. In the first screenshot it makes the polished metal almost looked brushed. I think it might be the lack of hard edges in the bake since the errors start happening on the control edges I added but any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
same goes for: godrays, bloom, saturation and etc
I'll be doing some tests when I get in from work to hopefully correct the shading issues I mentioned previously.
You can see those shading errors are occurring right where I added my control edges. I've never had this problem in the past so if anyone has run into this before, let me know.
I'm going back through now removing the control edges and I'm going to try baking with smoothing groups and different UV islands.
Removing the control edges put me just under 3k tris but that'll get bumped up a bit once I add some bullets.
*beware, images are pretty huge*
C&C welcome!
i like the renders
also can we see some textures?
@lloyd - Thanks! The renders were taken in Marmoset Toolbag, my favorite rendering solution
@Harbinger - I agree totally. I was trying out some new methods on this model to get the cleanest bake possible and ended up baking most of the parts of the gun separately. I see what you mean on the cylinder release. Since I didn't bake the gun completely assembled things seem kinda floaty, so I'll get on that and post some updates. I'm thinking it'll help out quite a bit. Thanks for the input!
@BradMyers82 - The more I look at the model the more I see what you mean. I was going for a cleaner yet very used look and those even pock marks kinda bug me the more I look at it. I think I'll clean up most of it and maybe add a brushed detail to the spec and see how that looks. I've watched a ton of youtube videos showing the gun but yesterday I watched a repair tutorial that showed how to sand and buff out dings, and more importantly how it looks afterwords with the very subtle brushed metal look. Either way I'll post some updates as I play around with this. Thanks!
@BringMeASunkist - Thanks! I kinda noticed that too. I don't think I'll put those in my portfolio. I'll probably try out rendering in UDK or maybe Cryengine since I would probably have more control over the FOV and camera settings. I suppose I should probably do some research and see if that is possible in Toolbag too. Maybe the solution is just zooming out further and rendering larger images. We shall see.
@everyone - Thanks again for the kind words.
Hopefully I'll free up some time to sit down and make some corrections here pretty soon. The more I look at the normal error on the cylinder, the more it bugs me... so I might crack it open and redo that too.
But first I'll get the AO on the small parts, polish out some of the divots and retexture the iron sights.
I'm pretty happy with the model as it stands but the whole point of me starting this one was to push myself and hone some skills along the way.
Thanks again BringMeASunkist, for some reason it was stuck in my head that FOV was a locked value. Makes me want to go back and re-render some old models.
It looks amazing!