Okay so I've been battling with xnormal again. I've been getting the issue where it claims my cage and mesh are different despite only using the push modifier and 3DS max accepting it as a cage in the projection modifier.
Importing my meshes back into 3ds max I noticed that one had an extra vert somewhere which wasn't the case originally.
Trying to fix the issue I tried to use xnormal's SBM exporter. It said that it only dealt with editable meshes, so I converted it to that.
However, now the 3DS max projection modifier won't accept it as a cage. So somehow going from editable poly to editable mesh is changing something.
Anyone have any ideas? All I've been doing is using the push modifier, this problem has been plaguing me for a long time.
Edit: I just noticed some of my mesh isn't triangulated, could this be the cause?
I think it must be the issue, but I will have the redo the cage as I'm thinking that the push modifier is making the mesh triangulate differently.
Thanks for your help!
Also be careful with the export options (for OBJ) I'd recommend to uncheck the "optimize" section.