So I built up a bunch of modular panels in max, all baked and uv'd then assembled in Unity3d.
I had an idea to take this set piece back into max and bake it more to "unify" it.
I use the OBJExport script and I'm setup in Max again. How can I bake a proper Ambient occlusion so when wall meets floor we can get a nice shadow?
Each panel already has UV's, norm spec and diffuse, so its a matter of repacking all of these pieces right?
Anyone know of any shortcuts or best methods?
I also want to try taking it into zbrush and going nuts then re-bake. Any suggestions?
Re-Import to Max as single editable poly, Unwrap UVW modifier attached
2nd attempt:
Imported to max as seperate objects. (Selected objects in green outline) I then added 2 Unwrap UVW, the first is channel 1 (correct UV's) the second is channel 2. (look at uv window)
If you want to avoid that, attach all your meshes together into a single model in Max, then add a UVW Unwrap modifier, set it to UV channel 2, create the lightmap UVs (using Flatten or similar), and bake the AO to a map.
But the Unity baker is much much easier.