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Star Trek Bridge

Current Progress, Alpha cinematic Please leave feedback and crits :):


Current Progress shot 12/04/13:


Hello everyone, just posting to show progress I've made on a scene, which I've based around the 2009 Star Trek film. I've spent around 4-5 weeks on and off due to other commitments.

The main purpose behind this scene was to create a new portfolio piece, I'm trying to break into industry and my portfolio isn't currently online, This will be one of my first scenes.

Id like to break down what planning I've done for my scene, I gathered allot of references from the film itself and as much reference I could find online as well. Here are some mood boards:

From there i went on to create a quick block out to get a rough scale of the scene, it is really rough so please bare with me:


Here Is my current progress:



  • Camrat
    Here Are some High-Poly shots:

  • Ehren
    Offline / Send Message
    Ehren polycounter lvl 9
    damn! lots of hard work. very admirable
  • Camrat
    Thanks :) if anyone wants anymore in depth looks at things let me know, its currently rendered in UDK, nothing is properly textured just normal, AO and a few basic colours. Aiming to have this scene at an alpha stage in next couple of weeks for alpha around the next couple of weeks.

    Im currently working on the doors, I have no plans on extending this scene out to the corridors yet as I have other commitments and not got the time.
  • XaKu
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    XaKu polycounter lvl 9
    looking sweet so far :D
  • Camrat
    Since my last update I have Added in the chairs and doors, I've also changed engines as I wanted to create something in Cryengine for quite some time and wasn't comfortable in the switch, But after inspiration from Crysis 3 I thought why not.

    Here is the update, feedback welcome :)

  • zymn
    More! More! *Drool*
  • digitalwerk
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    digitalwerk polycounter lvl 10
    Looks nice, but be carefull with the reflections!
  • Camrat
    Thanks guys, and yes I will work on shaders soon, there's quite allot of material definition that needs to be fixed. I'm almost at an alpha stage with the scene then I'm going to start work on texturing and material definition.

    Here is another update, started work on the metal frames and improved glass surrounding the captains chair.

  • Camrat
    Just another update today been working on stuff that wasn't in my previous shot, done the main frame for the View screen and worked on Earth shader :),Still wippy currently. Again id like to stress that this is about alpha stage at the moment now still lots of texturing and material definition to fix. also you can see I still need to work on the shit outside the View screen :)


    All Crits welcome Please as I really want to improve my skills.

    Thanks for Viewing!
  • Camrat
    been working hard on this last week, not much visible change but had allot of things needed to be done for alpha stage. I've got a small alpha stage video to show you where camera will move etc along with basic textures on things such as ship outside.

    Here is video:

    Also some updated shots to try and brighten the scene up abit more:

    Done video import test today for the screens on the main console, these screens move now when playing will get a video up when Ive finished the rest of the screens:


    This is what I have left to do:
    • Finalise Textures
    • Animated Screens
    • Shader Work
    • Material Definition
    • Lens Flares

    Please Leave comments and crits :)

  • Camrat
    In the week since my last update I've been working on texturing my scene and just fixing issues that i had before. so the best thing to do is to list what I have done in my absence:

    Textured - Consoles ether side of captains chair ( added lights etc and materiel definition).
    Textured - Main Console, this is first pass but got gloss map spec map etc on it now (Image below).
    Floor has normal maps and detailed normal map to give it a better material feel.
    Added lights under the trims of the floor like in my reference.
    Worked on a better glass shader for main console and other glass panels.
    The glass consoles have been added with details - which helps sell the room more.
    LUT test in Photoshop not in engine yet.
    Added in videos for the screens around the room for my dynamic element ( these still need more work).
    fixed some lighting around the ring section of the ceiling to help brighten the scene up and fixed issue with nasty shadowing on the top roof around the main light structure.

    So as you can see there has been many changes and tests happened in my last week some have been small and others not. I'm still on target to finish this scene in next couple of weeks, ill have to wait for the cryengine update to come through fro my lens flares which will help sell the scene further.

    The LUT itself is very subtle but helps with colour grading it to how the film is. its just a test for now.

    Here are my updates, first my LUT test, 2nd image is a half and half with before and after shots:

    Here are some shots of the main console, small console and glass panels:


    whats left:

    Carry on texturing the consoles and other props around the scene and work on adding more detail.

    thanks for viewing :)
  • DWalker
    The light on the Earth needs to match the position of the sun. In the picture you've posted, the light seems to come from the exact opposite position. If you are going to show the dark side of the planet, you should blend in a night image like:
  • Camrat
    Sorry I haven't post my work in awhile but here is where I'm at now. I'm pretty much done with this scene now but still have spare time to work on it if you guys find anything you want fixing on it or changing :) also lens flares will be added once the update comes available.

    As for the earth it still needs tweaking.

    Here are my shots:

  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    Surprised at how little feedback/response this has. Great work man! Needs more Flares and bloom (According to JJ Abram), lol. This is turning out really nice.
  • nick2730
    Love it, but yes more lens flare lol
  • Zepic
    Offline / Send Message
    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    This is looking great. My only crit would be more lens flares as well. :)

    May I ask, Camrat; how did you make that animatic in the Cryengine? Could you maybe point me to a tutorial? How did you render it out?
  • Camrat
    Thanks for the posts guys, I will be adding in lens flares but they have taken them out in current cryegnine ( unless I'm missing something vital), They are adding in a lens flare editor in next update which I'm waiting for. but if anyone has any tips on how to do them now in the engines current state that would be nice to know :)


    This is what i followed its very basic tut to get you started, but thats all I used :). Your work is looking sweet btw :) thanks for the comment.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ore8yfFrqNg"]Cryengine Basic Cinematic set up Part 01 - YouTube[/ame]
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Love the work you have done so far! But one thing that irks me whenever I look at your screen shots... There is absolutely just too much black on black in the scene, where detail is completely lost. Those areas turn into a black hole of detail lol.

    Other than that, MOAR LENS FLARE! Looks good dude.
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Camrat,
    I saw that you posted on my thread asking about lighting. :)

    With your scene in particular, my eye has a bit of trouble being guided through the composition. You've got all these great little details with your bridge geo, but you need to help my eye out by guiding it a bit with lighting. It's reading a bit "flat." ;)

    Also, with lighting, think about how your materials will interact with the light. For example, look at the spec of your materials, bounced light coming from the spec in a way can act as a light source. You'll see it a lot in film. For example, they may wet down a street to get that cool looking spec reflection off the ground. Also, make sure and use environment probes to help with your ambient lighting. Use the sky editor as well and put in some fog to help sell the atmosphere (I'd be very subtle with it). You can also hit the ... in the editor and type "bloom" mess around with the bloom options (just don't over do it). :)

    I'd also recommend just doing a "save as" on your level and mess around with different lighting and material tweaks, go for broke, just have fun and let your artist instincts kick in, no pressure. :D

    With the lighting from the new Star Trek movie, it's extremely stylized. While cool, and risky IMO, I probably wouldn't have lit the movie that way if I was the DOP or Gaffer. But that's just personal preference. I'm not knocking the movie in any way, I had fun watching it :)

    All in all, lighting is a discipline that's often been overlooked in the games industry (seeing how we were very limited by hardware). But with the next gen coming soon, that will definately change (which is awesome). Getting good with lighting takes as much observation and practice as any other discipline. I recommend watching movies with the sound off, just look at the lighting and composition of the shots. Try and figure out where the lights are coming from, look at the color, look at the shadows, look how the lighting plays off the surface (geo/normal maps/ POM in our case). Think of it in a way as painting with light. Catch all the cool details with rim lights, side lights etc. A lot of times with lighting, less is more.

    Also, I highly recommend you buy this guy's book, it's for rendered images, but games are getting to the same level now so this definately applies.

    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Lighting-Rendering-Jeremy-Birn/dp/0321316312/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1365113058&sr=1-1&keywords=jeremy+birn"]Digital Lighting and Rendering (2nd Edition): Jeremy Birn: 9780321316318: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

    You also might want to check out the lighting challenge section over at CGTalk.


    In the end, just make your mind more aware of lighting and you'll start picking up on it.
    -and keep practicing like crazy. :) Have fun!
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    I was about to say lighting as well, I'm not as good as Zepic but I'm also big on lighting. I think If u just play around with cry engine's individual lights and I'm not sure if cry engine has a decay light settings that u can play around with, but right now, your scene is evenly lit and it would be nice if u have some spoty but subtle darks -- but not too dark.

    If u really want to go insane on lighting accuracy I would bring it to a post processing renderer like Mental Ray or Vray, depending on what 3D software u got and just do some light test. Then once u achieved the look you are looking for, then u can bring your scene back to Cryengine and match it. that's my personal method so far-- still experimental.

    I really like your scene- I just had to contribute my thoughts on it-
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Looks amazing!
    my only crit is colored lights tone down the really white lights you got going on, and for each panel display add a colored light there not much saturation just a splash of color.
    ^it's been mentioned above too.
    There should be tons! of them Also notice in your reff some of the shots. the only lights that cast direct white lights are the floor every other light has a color.

    Also if you notice in the reff they always shoot though a reflection. and that reflection gives off a colored reflection too.
    just things to keep in mind when moving forward

    Keep kicking ass!
  • Symoni
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    Symoni polycounter lvl 11
    Holy shit you just blew my balls off with this!

    REALLY nice work! I love it!

    The only thing I would say is that the texture on the outer hull through the viewscreen seems to be slightly fuzzy and not as crisp as the rest of the scene. But woah...super work!
  • Camrat
    Thank you for all the great response and feedback. I've took what you've all said on board and changed the lighting in my scene, In fact re done it, I've gone for more scfi type lighting with your blues and orange's.

    Tell me if I've gone to far and your thoughts and feedback:


    Thanks for viewing!
  • magmabolt
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    magmabolt polycounter lvl 13
    needs more jj abrams lens flair :P

    Really awesome work though man :D
  • Camrat
    Just to clear it all up, I will be adding in lens flare when cryengine bring there new update out which has a lens flare editor. they seem to have removed features at the moment for this new feature :)

    Thanks again for your comments!
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Looks great Push the colors a bit more. looking much better
  • Zepic
    Offline / Send Message
    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Looking better. :)

    Camrat, are you using environment probes at all? My only critique at this point would be to bring up the gloss reflection on everything a bit (just a bit). The maroon floor and glass panels seem to need it the most IMO.

    Also, are you using a DX11 card?

    It's looking awesome, keep it up. :)
  • Camrat
    Sorry for late reply been really busy this week not been able to make to much progress with this, I have tweaked the lighting even more though so that the ceiling has more colour in it and is much more broken up and pleasing to the eye.

    Zepic - I am using an environment probe in the scene without it its very dark. maybe I'm using it wrong not sure. and the gloss vale on the floor is quite high and the image i post doesn't really show you how high it is.

    I am using a DX11 card but you can barely see the real time reflections unless I'm close to the objects. again maybe I'm doing something wrong. could it be the fact its a round room? not sure.

    Here is the image:

  • AlanSMitchell
    Offline / Send Message
    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    MUCH BETTER I'd even say try pushing the blue's in the background so they bleed in the scene just a little more.
    Great job! the lighting has gone from super bland to hells to the yeah!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    hey man, was awesome seeing this on your screen at uni. can't wait to see your next piece!
  • Camrat
    Thanks For the comments Guys :) And glad you Like it almighty_gir :) Was awesome meeting you :)

    I'm calling this Done for now as I have other work to be getting on with. I will revisit this once the Lens Flare editor comes out :) For now i've overlaid some lens flares in photoshop to get a sense of that JJ abrams feel.

    Final Shots:


    Video (Please Watch In High Quality):
  • Zepic
    Offline / Send Message
    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    You've done an amazing job with this, it looks awesome. :)
  • Camrat
    Thanks Zepic! Yours came out great as well :)
  • SuperFranky
    Offline / Send Message
    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    looks super good
  • nick2730
  • Mouhsine Adnani
    Offline / Send Message
    Mouhsine Adnani polycounter lvl 11
    Great work ! Really well done
    Could you show us some wires ?
  • acitone
    Dude, awesome work. They should've used you to model the set of the new game, I'm playing it right now and this looks way better. I guess I agree with what others have said about the lighting, but I think it looks good already. I'm a beginner though and have no idea how to do any of this.

    Do you use ZBrush? Is there a hint you can give as to the right way to point me since I want to learn how to do this stuff? All I know right now is character animation, but I would sure love to be able to be a sci-fi model guru like so many of you here.
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