Hey guys just taking a 3d modeling course over at my local community college and our assignment is to make something we like. I chose to do the Taiidan Scout from home world 1. It's not 100% to concept but I like it so far that and I'm coming up on my deadline to have it in.
Alright enough about that. I'm currently working in ndo2 to add more detail to the normal map but have ran out of ideas to do for the normals. I feel like there is more I can do though. Any way if any one has any suggestions on the normal I'd love some feedback. Until then im going to begin texturing. Thanks for looking!

Yeah thanks! just a temp spec on it right now, I'm working on adding some decals and little lights then making an emmisive!
I too am not sure about the teeth but for some reason something tells me they are right and they do look pretty damn good in place to me!
Also worked on the emmissive a little more, I think im going to get it set up so that blue engine light glows through the side vents an the bottom vent. also a little bit of light glowing out of the top engine, it will all be that cool blue i have on the engine.
well here the update let me know what you think, I was trying to add some more detail to the front!
Scorch marks will help. More grunge/damage would help, but being subtle enough with it that you keep the clean look.
I think a gradient would fit the style of your artwork here. Basically just adds subtle variation. I use gradients a ton, as they help to separate assets and help add a focus area.
Here's a picture of a value gradient used on characters.
Also maybe figure out a base material. Like maybe it was red, and had yellow stripes painted on. Then you'd be able to chip away at the yellow stripes.
What you could do is have it on a separate layer (make a layered shader or texture)