This is going to be a little tricky, I know, but I think OH SO WORTH IT. I'm trying to set up some keys so I can nudge things (items, UVs, whatever) and I have it working like so:
<hash type="Region" key=".global+(contextless)/(stateless)+.anywhere@numeric4">@{D:\Dropbox\WarrenModo\MyScripts\} TX -0.01</hash>
<hash type="Region" key=".global+(contextless)/(stateless)+.anywhere@numeric6">@{D:\Dropbox\WarrenModo\MyScripts\} TX 0.01</hash>
And the script looks like this:
# arg0 - axis to nudge (X, Y or Z)
# arg1 - amount to nudge
lx( "tool.set TransformMove on" );
lx( "tool.reset" );
lx( "tool.attr xfrm.transform @ARGV[0] @ARGV[1]" );
# Apply
lx( "tool.doApply" );
lx( "select.nextMode" );
Now ... It's great that 4 and 6 will nudge along the X axis but I would LOVE if it I could set it up so that they always nudged along the most parallel axis to the screen. Know what I mean? So that left would always be left, and right would always be right.
I'm not seeing an easy way to do this so I fear I may have to get really complicated by passing in the camera viewing angle and doing a bunch of math ... but I was hoping that there might be some working plane trick I could use or something.
Any thoughts?
Or you could set the action centre to Screen and it will move it perpendicular to the camera?
I thought of that but I don't necessarily want it aligned to the screen ... I just want to know which of the major axis ... X or Z ... is most parallel to the screen. I still want to move in cardinal directions, but not have to think about which axis is which and whether it should be positive or negative.
I think what I want is something like in 3D Max where you can align the widget to the "View". This works well for the ortho viewports since it ensures that X always runs left/right and Y always runs up/down ...