So I've been at a bit of a loose end what to get my teeth into and looking through a bunch of old ref I came across a gypsy wagon and then a little time later a VW surfer van. The next logical thought was of course figuring out what an old time gypsy waggon for surfers looks like

This is one of my ref sheets and some initial 3d ideation.
Probably going to take this as a chance to do some hand painted textures in a low to mid poly scene. This is likely to be a learning experience as the work I've done the last 7 years mostly involved planar mapped procedural low poly work, so not much texturing. Also, everything was built in (nothing floating/intersecting) for the most part on my longest project, so if you see stupid modelling errors point them out!
Right, enough talk -

And some 3D idea exploration -

I'm leaning towards the longer carriage of (3), the roof of (2) with the seat placement of (1) or (2). Will probably have a look at what that config + 4 small wheels would look like.