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First Post - Showing house + car

Hello! My first post here, finally decided to get involved rather than watch from the sidelines.
I have a couple of early on WIP which are probably to early on to show at the moment so I thought I'd share my first two big pieces of work I did over the summer, nothing special compared to what some of you post!
Let me know what you think of them, dreadful or great :p


  • Treboras
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    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    It would help to get some wireframe shots too!

    @ House: First off what catches my eyes is the very turbulent water in an outdoor pool :D If it is indeed that windy, then the grass should reflect that too. All in all the grass needs more randomness to it. Also there are a lot blank spots on the ground (by the bridge) that look rather unfinished.
    Furthermore, there should be some transition of smaller grass to the road (?) in front of the garage.

    Did you model the car too? Was there some inspiration to this piece or did you come up with everything on the go?
    Before I come to the positive stuff, I would like to point out, that it seems to me you have some scaling and proportion issues. For Example: Judging from the Piano and the living room seats, the door on the top left seems rather mega big :D The size of the bridge too seams a little out of place.

    Now to the positive stuff: Your rendering seems more advanced than the stuff I mentioned above. The light is calm and relatively well positioned. Only concern would be, that there is no clear focus in the image and that my sight is torn between the house and the pool. Coming to the pool: The water seems good, although missing some caustics and less turbulence :D

    The background (photo I assume?) has other levels and contrast than your rendering. Also the light atmosphere from the rendering should more reflect the light and tone of the background / Vice versa.

    All in all, the piece could use some improvements but is a very good start and shows commitment.

    @ Car: Without wireframe its hard to judge the model, but it seems okay at first glance (The windshield seems a bit ... hard edgy at the top. The front headlights also seem not that round, but I don't know the exact model you have here). My main problem is with the car shader and the light setup. Also: I assume you made the windows non-transparent because there is no interior?
    In conclusion: The car rendering really comes down to shader and material definition (windshield wiper, headlight glass, tires etc.). Also render settings and again lighting: Pitch black where the tires are, pitch black at the air induction, grainy glass at the headlights and very grainy with the shadows, just to name some.

    A car is a very complex and hard to do model and you did a great job at that (at least seen from the rendering without wireframe). The rendering and presentation is at least as important as the modeling process and you should really revisit this piece if you want to include it in some sort of portfolio or the likes.

    Don't take my critique as discouragement! You did a very good job for a relatively new 3D guy and keep doing what you do and keep improving! I hope I could help!
  • Ben_Roberts
    Wow thank you! It's those little things I miss after long times staring at these models, nice to have some good eyes crit the work, will set to work on fixing the car first but again thanks for the advice and I will hopefully post an update soon :)
  • Treboras
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    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    I'm glad you'll revisit the model and feel free to ask any questions you might have. I will keep an eye on the thread.

    Best of luck and keep us updated!
  • djgardner
    I realize it's you're first post. Good job so far. My houses during my first 2-4 attempts where really bad.
    I'm going to be honest too... I really can't say any positive things about the house as almost everywhere I look there is something out of place or scale, that draws away from the overall feel of the house. I don't mean to be harsh, just giving feedback based on what I see

    Negatives: The skybox doesn't fit in to me.
    Snow on the mountains, but then you have nice lush grass and trees, with no snow cover.
    To me, the house looks like it would be about 200-300 feet away from the base of the mountains.
    And for the black light poles around the pool and deck, did you use white emissive materials, then place a yellow light? To me it just doesn't look right. That's my personal opinion.

    The scale looks a bit off on some of the objects. Those big screen and glass doors look massive, if you compare it to the objects around. Example: the handle on the door looks like it's about 6 feet off of the ground. I would almost think it's a house for a 8-9 foot tall person. The bridge to the right looks big too.
    Did you use any human scale references while building the level?

    I also don't see any stair cases to get to the upper level. And it doesn't seem like there is any glass for the windows. Just feels open, no glass.

    The staircase in front of the pool has no continuation, like a path. It just ends, and the grass takes over.

    I'm going to follow this thread. I really would like to see what the house looks like with some modifications.
  • Ben_Roberts
    Again thank you, and I will be sure to work on it, and get back to you both so long as I juggle it around with my uni work sensibly :p

    As for the staircase it is just in the corner to the left of the dining chairs, I was going for the modern glass look of just steps no banister etc.

    Everything else now it gets pointed out to me it seems rather obvious so thanks again :)
  • Ben_Roberts
    This is an update of the house, as for the car the glass and reflections have been changed just some more tweaking and I will also show that.

    Let me know what you think :)
  • Treboras
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    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    As always: I just try to point out the things I would work on and I don't want to sugarcoat stuff. You have great energy and show promise. If you keep up the great attitude, I'm sure you will soon produce stuff, where it's hard to find "mistakes". :D

    You did some good stuff and some bad to the picture :D

    The Scaling is kinda a little bit better. The doors seem to have the right height now. But there are some design decisions I don't understand:

    But keep in mind, that design decisions are very subjective and that some of these following points are just my personal preference and not some ultimate rule you have to follow :D (also I mix in some technical stuff I noticed.)

    - Why is the garage not centered and has such thin walls on the left.
    - The ceiling of the top floor is kinda high for my taste
    - The small bridge now seems just scaled in the height coordinates and not properly modeled to this scale.
    - I would introduce more randomness to the grass in height and color.
    - The "ground" in front of the garage seems to lack some texture and appears only brown.
    - All the lamps are facing in the same direction to the camera, which makes sense for the 2 by the garage but not all by the pool.
    - Background integration is a little bit better but still not convincing enough.
    - Although not so turbulent anymore, the pool water still resembles a lot of heavy wind and now shows a lack of texture where the wood is. Also there are some hard edges and around the pool, where I'm not sure it is intended.
    - The trees in the background next to the house seem to miss a transparent map for the leaves ... (at least the one closer to the house)

    Which software are you using? Maybe I can point you in the direction of some tutorials you could use.

    My advice would be, that you pick one thing out of the picture, which you would like to improve and just work on that one, without the rest distracting you. You are with this project not yet at the point where your concern is compositing and image construction /lighting.
  • Ben_Roberts
    Okay thanks, I'm currently using 3DS Max
  • Treboras
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    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    Okay thanks, I'm currently using 3DS Max

    ah okay nice! :D And where did you get the models (like the piano or the car) from?
  • Ben_Roberts
    They are all self made :)
  • Treboras
    Offline / Send Message
    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    that's great! Keep making all the models yourself. It's not only a great but also a necessary practice for future projects.

    Keep us updated on the projects!
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