Hi All,
This is my first post
I need some help to understand polygroups and subtools in zbrush. I've been working on modelling a Dragon head (my first zbrush attempt) I've been following a tutorial by Eric Keller but I've reached a point where I need to separate my mesh components in order to sculpt and polypaint accurately.
Right now I have a single mesh compromised of the head,eyes, teeth and horns. I used insert mesh for the horns, eyes and teeth but it appears that I cannot find a way to hide each of these parts as they are all amalgamated into the one dragon head tool.
Do I need to make poly groups for each of these components or as I've already created them as separate pieces can I just make them into subtools? I've read several threads and tutorials but I think I'm confusing myself....
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
...also I'll post a pic of my model should further explanation be required.
Thanks in advance.
The standard 3d tool is your basic mesh made out of verts and polygons. It can have its own UVs, it's own VertexColors (polypaint), and it's own Polygroups. A Polygon can only belong to one Polygroup.
Subtools are the same as tools (and have their own UVs, polygroups, etc), they're just grouped together so that when you draw one tool onto the document, it brings along all it's friends.
Thank you for the reply, that's explained alot to me and from what you've said I think that I'll have to try and polygroups this time around as I think I have dynameshed everything together. I'll take on board what you've told me regarding the usefulness of subtools and I'll attempt to utilise them more in the future.
Thanks again