I've been working on a low poly (mobile spec) character model of Lupin III this week, just a little thing before getting into my first high end piece in some time... I like doing low poly so just getting this out of my system.
even did a little animation for it, I would have done a walk cycle, but it's been some time since I last did a rig and it turned out the legs were screwing up, so I may come back to that...
anyway, pics. It's Lupin III from castle of cagliostro, 759 tris, 1x256 diffuse texture.
Let me know what you think

Also, the anime adaption seems to put alot of emphasis on his torso. Here, he looks kinda skinny.
Also, the face looks far too narrow and "box" like. Give his face more breathing room and round it a bit.
also messed with the proportions and made his trousers more skinny.
I'm not working on this anymore after this evening, but can still make changes. thanks.