First time doing sub-d! be gentle ;_;
this gun was too awesome to pass up. Highpoly is just about done, only a few more things to add.

couldn't figure out the way the charging handle worked so i nicked the sterling's, and the rear ironsight isnt very clear on the ref either.
Looks good though! But yeah, the rear sight is tricky on this one. I'm not sure I can see how it should work either.
You should show wips with a more shiny metallic shader so it's easier to see the surface and any potential smoothing errors.
I'd probably not have the handle wood intersecting with the gun body. You should model the back of that piece and have it touching, with a little undercut around the edges, so it looks like it's a piece screwed on rather than fused in. The edge around the back of the trigger guard where it meets the handle looks a bit soft too.
Also it looks like the holes on your barrel are smaller than on the reference. On the reference they're almost touched edge to edge with little space between.
time to start on the lowpoly
would love some c&c cause i'm sorta lost
Have most of the grunge noise for the metal in the specular, possibly with a lower opacity copy of the grunge layers in diffuse.
You also missed the engravings (serial #, manufacture logo, etc), those add nice overall details to the model.
Overall I think it looks great.
what grunge brushes would you recommend?
Otherwise just search around here, google, maybe even deviant art.
im gonna vector out the engravings and put those in the normal in a bit as well
Getting there!
few things i noticed:
-trigger feels a bit thick
-that ring attatched to front of barrel looks cleaner than everything else
-holes look like they were painted black, if you look at the photo you can see that inner cylinder has highlights