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Track Ball

polycounter lvl 6
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repete polycounter lvl 6
Almost killed my mouse tonight :poly127:

I can paint a bit (a bit I mean that it works nice for texture work) with a pen in ps and mudbox but I can't model for shit with a pen. Tried to do this and failed which makes me nervous because it's an infuriating mouse or a track ball future. I have never used a track ball but in theory it's what I need from watching people use them. The view port in mudbox plus my mouse is melting my head as I am trying to do some detail work on terrain and the perspective view in mudbox is a killer for me ,I played about with the FOV and no joy. Why can't I have the modo view port for mudbox PLEASE !!!

Sorry for ranting but would you agree that I need a track ball or not ?

No I don't want to use a pen or even a touch screen for modelling, I have a logitech laser mouse that never frustrates me with modo but I think a track ball would even help me in modo, never used one so I am asking you!

Are they weighted ?




  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    i had a posh logitech trackball for a while as id developed some savage rsi in my middle mouse finger . i found it worse than useless for modelling and just switched to mousing with my left hand.

    the trackball was good for general windows and fine for the sort of thing you use the mouse for in photoshop so it was a good thing to have for lightening the load on my buggered fingers. i use a posh logitech mouse now and map the middle/right buttons to the side.

    the only way to really find out is to buy a half decent one and try it - the big logitech one with the red marbled ball is good quality and comfortable so might be a good start
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    I found I can work around it if I set the mudbox camera to trackball mode and use the f key (a lot) but I do get a bit disorientated working like this. At least it gets the job done.

    Will see if the shop will let me try one out.


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