Hey guys!
three of us recently graduated students from the animation school in south Africa have decided to give this competition a go. We will do our modelling in maya and mudbox (this will be done by our concept artist and modeller + texturer Nicole) then get shaded and lit by me and finally rigged and clothed by Lloyd.
Here is the first concept design for Shade,
any comments and suggestions will be handled by Nicole


Concept looks pretty cool! The proportions are a little strange in that you've got a relatively skinny arm with a fairly large demon hand at the end; it just makes it feel weightless, creating sort of a disconnect.
Good luck!
And sorry for the community-building spam, but if you're interested in getting into making games locally, please don't live under a rock. Come join our monthly community meetups in Joburg and Cape Town, and see what everyone else is doing!
Thanks Elyaradine for mentioning the site (makegamessa.com) ! i didn't know a new SA gaming site gonna come out after closing GameDevSa !
velvet / silk ish
microfibre clothy
Your first material could be really great! Keep it up!
cool man thanks for the comment i shall go to work and fix these materials
I also think the velvet shader is the better of the 3 cloths. The leather can definitely use some more work. The last one sort of looks like rubber.
Keep it up!
Hey guys anyone have an idea why i lose SSS when i mix the demon hand shader with skin shader? i mix them by painting the Cd points of the model black and the hand part red. i lose all layers of the shader except for diffuse and spec, only those 2 still work.
i saw this way was to mix in a tutorial, if you know of a better way please let me know!
thanks dude props to the modeler, i am just shading.
We will stay away from displacing heavily, because it will be hard to overcome the intersection, you could change your max collision distance and try play with a threshold of that and your displacement
that sounds like a much more solid idea, will give that a go, just worried about the interpolation of the materials, from smooth skin demon hand
aah good method, i'll do the constant trick quick and see if it narrows it down to my painting
if i take any BSDF with SSS and another one without SSS, with a mix of 1 the non-sss bsdf shows nicely, with a mix of 0 the sss-bsdf shows black, or if i enable its diffuse that only shows. so yea, pretttty weird.
if i had BSDF with SSS into a mix node all by itself it DOES show the sss. so it breaks whenever i plug the second surface into the mix node. i think its a bug, will test tomorrow on H11 and other versions of 12, im using 12.185
Another solution is to use the grouping trick. Render the body with the SSS shader. In an object merge or through a take, group the elbow down, delete body geo, apply special hand shader, render as a separate pass. Render everything as constant matte black but red painted fancy hand region in a 3rd matte pass. Use matte pass as a mask for A over B in comp.
im using a custom shader, its a just a material shader builder with default surface model with some tweaks. diffuse is off, sss on .3 intensity with a soft pink color. then atenuation to 25 and kept white. lastly i enabled spec with a roughness of 30 (or 40 will have to check), and intensity of .1 (i will go check at home i cant remember).
the softness is coming from a rim area light, and the soft spec settings
only shader test no textures yet
hey man not much on the cloth yet, that is next weeks full focus.
here is some beta testing on hair
good luck
hey man, it's houdini fur yes, the artist made haircurves from maya then in houdini used the hair curves in the fur "guides" sop. lemme know if you want to try it yourself there are some things you need to do to get it working
@ nacertag, thanks for the comment man, yea we liked that mask but mantra is a such a powerful renderer we just wanted more detail to look nice in the renders