Anybody encountered the following:
I have a mesh in Max 2010 and exported it. Opening in 2013 (on another machine) shows the mesh faceted, what´s right BUT its even faceted WITH a turbosmooth.
Changinf smothing groups doesn´t change a thing. Exporting the mesh from Zbrush to 2013 shows the same faceted mesh.
What could this be? It´s ahumanoid character that needs to be smoothed.
I don´t know, Ive im- and exported all kinds of meshes and from Max 9 to 2010 and Zbrush and NEVER had this problem. I don´t use 2013. The mesh is for a friend who uses 2013 and he gets that problem with a smooth.
If you check the links in my sig, you can see that I normaly can handle meshes ; )
Too bad I can´r provide a screenshot, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I received an email saying it works now. Basically, I edited the new mesh the exact same way than before but the smoothing looks right now. When I first saw this, I instantly said it must be a 2013 bug and NOT having this issue now makes me think that even more.
turn to poly, collapse, add edit normal modifier and average everything, collapse again...
doing something to that effect will sort it - you might need to do it in a different order or convert to mesh etc. but you basically want to wipe out any stored information beyond the very basics