Hello guys,
I´ve done this barbarian for a personal project. It was suppose to be a "classic barbarian". As generic as possible, sword, shield, muscles, connan like.
But he is now just too much connan like.
This is the way he should look like, but I am afraid that I cannot use him in a comercial project. Although there are several games and movies with this kind of barbarian. (but maybe not that similar)
I am quite happy with the result and would like to ask you guys what you think? Is it ok to use it? Or I should modify?
If modifying would be recommended, how different he should look like?
If it would be to much effort I gonna just use him as a portfolio piece and make another one.
But I would love to use him the way he is now...
Feedbacks are welcome anyway.

I'm a noob, but to me, looks properly painted for the most part. Good job with the serratus anterior, though the area near the sacrum seems unnecessarily dark.
The face just feels really good, heh. Definitely getting Frazetta's conception from this.
The thing about Conan is that he's a bit too iconic. Seriously, any muscle-bound, sword-wielding dude in a loincloth is gonna be confused with Conan. I remember when I was a youngster, I had initially thought that the barbarian from The Power Team, Conan the Adventurer, and some Genesis game were all the same guy.
It's like comparing someone's generic human model to another's. they are the same thing but different.
But if you still feel it still looks to much like him, add a leather strap over the shoulder and have it so he can sheath his sword there?
Another thing you could do is make him a different race...
Of course, a tunic and trousers (or kilt) were more common than loin cloths for most (berserkers being a notable exception) - northern lands tended to be a bit chilly...