Hello fellow Polycounters, so I've been on Polycount for a while.... but seldom post what I'm working on. High time that comes to an end! This is kinda crazy orc character in Persian style armor that I've been working on during my lunch break. Hope it's not too silly. Still playing with it, so any thoughts would be highly appreciated. Just focusing on the bust for a still render. (that still counts as game art right?

) Many thanks!
Can't wait to see more!
Just postin what I was able to get done this week.
-posed him.
-started working on the ornate bits of the armor. Using Ottoman Calvery as main reference.
When you get to texturing, I'd recommend lifeless, milky eyes - the model seems to call for them.
Looks a bit strange where his clavicles meet in the centre (bottom of his neck). There should be a deep recess there, but your clavicles just seem to join up?
@DWalker Yes!! that was the plan.
@Aga22 thanks!
Just postin more progress on this guy. Tried to work out the anatomy and gave a quick polypaint to figure out the final look.
vray test with milky eyes
anatomy studys
The chain mail seems as though it could be handled with an alpha channel on a fairly conventional, if thick, cloth.
I'd probably age all of the materials, especially the spear and the armor. Even in the desert most metals corrode over time, and strong sandstorms can scour even modern paint.
I'd simplify the helmet a bit, forging the main part from a single piece of metal; some Indian helms did have plates linked by chain, but those plates tended to be narrower, with wider bands of chain.
Your armor seems close to Ottoman krug armor - a Turkish-made Persian design. Notice the straps at the side of the chest. Also notice the extreme pitting on the metal.
The spear design is a bit odd. It seems like a rather ornate boar spear (possibly a related military polearm like a Bohemian ear spoon), but the entire head should be forge from a single piece of steel. The head looks like it has been rather precariously attached to the shaft. The shaft also looks a bit thin.
@Clos323 Thank you!
@DWalker thank you for your in depth critique! I think at this stage, I'll most likely work on refining the textures and lighting possibly add some side straps. Before I started this I had been looking at a variety of Indian, Persian and Turkish armors. Not so much going for a specific armor, more trying to nail down a look that would have a similar feel as an oriental armor from around the 16th century. As for the spear, I agree and I may revisit this. Cheers.
I agree that he looks a bit too clean - especially his skin (granted you are still in progress with texturing). I think maybe blotches in the spec map would help.
Just love all the detail in the armor.
@Peanut thank you!
@walrus thank you, I'm going to return to grit this guy up and refine the final details.
Went back to update this after putting it on the shelf for a while. Using the DirectX 11 shader in maya with Viewport 2.0.