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[Portfolio] - Paul Mandegarian

polycounter lvl 9
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Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
Hey Polycount!

My name is Paul Mandegarian. Posted a few times here back in the day but I've been recently working on my portfolio and juggling my renovation job at the same time. I just want to get my name out there and get as many critiques, comments, and suggestion as possible.

After lifting one end of a 500 pound I-Beam over my head today with 3 other guys and nearly killing myself in the process I decided maybe now its time to put my portfolio up on polycount again :)

You can view my portfolio in the link below and you can find my contact info as well as my general resume in the about section


Also here are some of the projects that are on my portfolio



  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Looks good to me, your first environment is best by far tho. Why show the ironbelly logo on the second preview ? Also I dislike the font you use, its contradictory to the horizontal preview bars and give a stretched impression. Try not use a condensed one, or atleast not such a thin one.
  • Ahniketos
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    Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
    Shrike - Thanks for commenting! The Ironbelly logo on the second preview is to show the the work I did for there studio. Maybe I should use one of the projects for the preview bar? Ill see what else I can do with the fonts and update. Thanks again
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Another thing i'd say is set carbonmade to scroll down to view the images, clicking to the side is rather annoying and by scrolling down someone can quickly look at your work :)
  • Ahniketos
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    Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
    Sugus - I got all my project's set to scroll down now. Thanks for your input!
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
  • line726
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    line726 polycounter lvl 7
    stick some picture of your on the first post, man~
    showoff academy 101~
    God Job, btw
  • Ahniketos
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    Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
    Line726 - Updated the post to show some of my projects. More critiques, comments, suggestions are much appreciated!
  • DWalker
    Did you enable the normal map when you rendered the object for the art test? The high-poly details seem to be missing, even though they are on the texture.

    In the first Smallville picture, you seem to have some strange stretching on the newspaper's UVs, giving "White" a reversed italic appearance. Also, the font for the menu seems pixilated - most notable are the jaggies on the 'V', 'M', and 'A' - it might be the result of zooming in on a small object; if so, just move the object away from the center of the shot.

    If the items for Ironbelly appeared (or will appear) in a shipped product, you should give the products' name. You might need to ask their permission to use them, however. Most companies are fine with artists including work in their portfolios, but if they are work-for-hire (which unfortunately covers most of us) then the images are the property of Ironbelly.

    Your description of Dwarven Glory should give some context - from the credits, it was apparently a class project. Also, change from "As a Environment Artist" to "As an Environment Artist", and from "the Art directors requirements" to "the Art Director's requirements". You might also want to include some still shots to highlight your work - high-res versions of those from your portion of the credits would be fine.

    Finally, given how litigious GDW has gotten in recent years, you might want to remove "Warhammer" from the title of you final project. (Remember - these are the guys claiming sole ownership of the phrase "space marines", despite its appearance in science fiction three-quarters of a century ago... sigh...)
  • djgardner
    I like everything on your portfolio, especially the heart model.
    It may just be me, but I like to write a brief description about my workflow, programs used, etc. You wrote some things on a few of the portfolio pieces, but not all. Again, it's just a personally preference to me.
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Love how nice and dark you get the recessed areas in your clay renders. I assume there is an AO pass in there, but I know some can really get that effect with just the renderer. Not me though! I say quit your labor job and got on this more. Everything looks great but my only gripe is the Dwarven video being way too pixellated.
  • Ahniketos
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    Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
    DWalker - Thanks for the great comments and suggestions! The normals were on for the art test. The thing was due to the poly limit I decided to use one poly across the front panel and unfortunately the normals did not come out the way I wanted. Is was a mix up between distributing the polys between the front panel and the collapsing legs. I decided to put the polys into the collapsing legs, might of been a mistake though.

    Fixed up all your suggestions for the descriptions. For the Ironbelly projects I did get permission to post the projects. The warhammer project I'll change up the preview window to just say chaos. I don't think they would mind though, the project was based off one of there concepts.

    Djgardner - Thanks for the kind words! I only put a description for the group mod project to give credit to my friends. I just let the pictures do the talking lol

    Spectre1130 - Thanks for the comment about the high polys. If you want to have the same presentation, SyncViews made the material here for download. I tweaked it abit but you'll pretty much get the same result. I'm looking to take some time off my labor job soon to push my portfolio:) For the pixellated video I'm not too sure what's happening. I checked on two computers and they look like the 1080p I recorded it at.

    If you want to take a look at the youtube video it just might be carbonmade causing the problem or just a hiccup.


    Amile Duan - Thanks Amile!
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