Quick over view of who i am and what i do, i'm final year concept student based in Stafford, uk and i'm working on my dissertation. My dissertation is a modular character design based on a pre defined IP and the IP i have chosen is RuneScape. i plan on having a character modelled, textured and modulised and also working within the UT3 Engine... depends on how it goes.
So far i have gotten quite far with the work in regards to the concept stage but i would love some feedback.
Just to make it clear i'm creating one character with 4 armour sets to apply to that character, Mage, Knight, Berserker and Archer.
so far completed the silhouette stage and the grey scale stage.
16 silhouettes for each type

and the broken down to 8 for grey scale.

i'll post more in the next few days.
Feedback is welcome!
i started work on the colour theory for the character design but came across a problem with skin tone, if i'm keeping the character the same from base level i need to chose a base skin toen for the character. ofcourse this can be changed later on and then just do some fine tuning to the main colours to get them to work better with the skin.
i'm using the Mage character for reference as this design is one of the strongest and is probably going to be apart of my final designs. personally i prefer the 2 on the right. i might have to work out a system to change the characters skin tone in the final model.
more updates to come, almost finished up the colour theory just need to pick out final designs for each character, something i have been playing with is the idea of creating one set but being able to change the colour of each set so say i create a Mage out fit that can be ether blue, brown, green or pink, though this requires a lot more coding within engine...