Hey everyone, I was browsing through my inspiration folder the other day and I realized that over the past couple of years I've managed to gather over 3000 pieces of art all related in some way to 3d (which is why most of us are here)
I decided that keeping all that to myself is crazy because there are so many 3d artists who could use more inspiration in their life. That is why I decided to create a tumblr blog for concept art and other inspiration for 3d artists.
The pictures I post will always be useful to 3d artists in some way, whether it's an environment you can re-create in 3d and add to your portfolio, or a simple prop you can use to improve your hard surface modeling.
Here's how it works;
1 post a day
Environments for two days, then something else (like concept art of a small prop, or a vehicle, etc)
Every weekend I'll create a .zip of the images posted that week, upload it and post it here.
On the 1st of each month I'll post a .zip containing all of the images posted that month.
Here's what I need from you!
Not all of the images have a watermark or something to indicate who the author is. I really want to give credit where credit is due even though this is a non-profit blog and I'm allowed to use the images even without giving credit. It's just a matter of principle. So if you see a picture with no information on the author please let me know so I can try to find the author.
There is no such thing as too much inspiration, so even though I've got more than enough images I'd love to have more so if you find some piece of art you feel is appropriate for this blog then by all means send it to me.
I've got some catching up to do so I went ahead and posted 31 pictures to the blog, one for each day in January. I'll post the remaining 18 later today.
Here's a little preview of the pictures posted in January(ish)

Concept art for a cancelled mech game. Art by Charles Liu

Team Fortress 2 Concept

Concept by Eric Spray

Doctor who concept art by Peter McKinstry

Shadowrun Concept art
All comments/criticism/complaints are welcome! Things usually don't improve unless someone points out its flaws
it seems that in January part 3 you posted smallest versions of pics though.
Edit: or maybe that's a browser issue. pics show links to 1280 versions but image viewer shows 250 ones.
btw, this one is by Max Davenport
@Blaisoid: Just click the images, it should open up a larger version of them. None of them are that small I think
its around 5000 pictures
Terry that is a badass library you have there, thanks for sharing!
wow that's pretty impressive, I already went through most of it and stole a bunch to use on the blog, hope that's okay :P
I was thinking about sharing my inspiration folder the other day, what a cowinkidink but man I know my inspiration folder is no where near some of the other guys but 10+gbs is just almost impossible for me to share, besides most would have what I have anyway.
Thanks for sharing what you got, this thread should be made so that everyone could share what they got because I missed a lot of artwork from the past and would love to revisit them for some inspiration.
I've set up an entire week of posts in advance, Tumblr will automatically publish them once a day.
Even though I only wanted to do one post a day I may end up doing more if I keep finding new concept art this fast :P Don't worry though, there will never be less than one post a day.
Here's a preview of the latest post:
Thank you very much for doing this.
Don't forget to post pics when it's done! I'd love to see what you've created, the concept is really cool.
Well, this is the current state of the mech. ^^. Still loooads of work to do. Only the bottom part is Highpoly, the rest is the placeholder blocking.
http://puu.sh/25dIE Any crits?
Closer Look : http://puu.sh/25dPU
The high poly looks good so far, are you using max?
Yep, 3ds Max.
I like this one, it has plenty of small props and items while remaining pretty simplistic. Could be turned into a very cool environment
imgur won't work since some of the pictures are larger than 2mb
here is another one i found
just random photos
high res images here: http://inspiration3d.tumblr.com/post/43642251750/more-doctor-who-concept-art-by-peter-mckinstry
Picture of the day!
To make it more confusing you bump the thread every time you update the blog which begs the question: Why have a blog..?
I'm not trying to gain followers or whatever, just trying to share all the stuff I've saved over the years because I thought it was cool or inspiring. I could just upload the entire thing and be done with it but that would risk losing some amazing art in a sea of images. So I figured it was better to share it more slowly, a pic of two a day, and I decided that using a blog was the best way to do it.
I also assumed that the users here at polycount would appreciate it since this is after all a forum for artists and not everyone here is a professional. Sometimes you need some inspiration to get you going.
Like I said in the OP, all criticism, good and bad, is welcome! and even if everyone suddenly turn on me that won't stop me posting daily concept art until I run out of pictures to post.
terry1337: Wow, that amazing, thank you for sharing that! Also, finding some of my own work in there really made my day!