Hi! First piece of artwork uploaded on Polycount, looking for some critiques and comments.
I've been working on this scene for a little while in my free time during the past few months
I started it as high res modelling exercise and one thing led to another, decided to push it further.
It's been done in MAX, textured in photoshop. I used crazy bump, xnormal and zbrush for the normal (though they don't show much in the MR render), PFlow for the snow.

Here are the references pics i had

theres 2 cut out holes on the back grey piece (Above the barrel container) which look offset incorrectly compared to the ref image
Apart from that, its a great start! keep up the good work
I'll try to to improve the back details. Someone also suggested me to put a bit more love into the snow merging to the logs on the floor. It is true my main focus was the compressor itself and i created the scene around quickly.
I'll keep you posted for the changes
But here is the Wireframe of what you see rendered. It's around 90K beause of engine pipes and details + second carburettor on the other side (I'm planing to doa turnaround. It's over the top for game but It's still let me start a UDK scene to benefit of a "game look". Actually it was easier to do stuff like vertex based snow shader than create and render decent snow in max..but i digress ^^