Hi guys and girls.
Decided it's time to make one of these threads to better myself and give a bit more direction to my work.
Also to get as many crits and pointers as possible.Portfolio: www.chris-barnes.com
I've removed a couple of things for the time being as they are too weak to show in my opinion and need more of an overhaul than the rest.
I think the layout is fine, although i may make it a grid rather than a scrolling view. As i've learnt from the years of reading PC though, it doesn't really matter as long as it's simple.
Current WIP

How long did this take you. Have a high-poly?
Bullethole ref. You are right about the tape. I also may spread them out a little just for the sake of looking better.
High poly
Also, if this is a static object, consider flattening the bottom of the tires a little.
What are you rendering that Winnebago in and what type of shader are you using?
It's in Marmoset for now.
Working on a couple of props
Did a bit of clean up on the Bago textures, added an exhaust etc.
If so, notice that the back and seat are made from interleaved horizontal and vertical webs. Clever use of your normal and alpha maps would let you do each with a single quad, but given today's concept of "low-poly" modelling each web is certainly possible. Also note that the webs are not quite opaque - you can clearly see the white band under the blue sections. Also, note the cross-bar in the fold between the backrest and the seat - this feature is common to all folding beach chairs with a similar design.
If you really feel ambitious and don't mind spending the polygons, consider an older chair where the webbing has become loosened or stretched - many of the best models out there are not bright and shiny but... "well loved".
In the model you have currently, the normals in the seam between the seat & back seem odd - the darker line just doesn't look right.
I guess i should make it clearer in future
Will do the rest of the detailing in nDo2 i think.
Consider using something like a brighter background with a dark foreground to show-off your pieces. This will make them stand out more and present them better.
Also some of your frontline images themselves could use a more interesting background. You have this beautiful image of your 'Onett Stage - UDK' with a deep and colourful background, and then these dull, flat backgrounds to support your other images. It kind of sucks the life out of them.
You have some very nice pieces in your portfolio, it would be a shame if the presentation did not do them justice
I like the works on your portfolio but I agree with SCB you should review your colour scheme I would suggest a black/very dark background so that all the attention is given to your pieces!
Regarding the Winnebago (it kind of reminds me the one of breaking bad..) why don't you add a layer of dust through a nice blendmap, so it will look like ot has more "story" like it has been parked somewhere for a few days and the dust has gathered on it. You can also create a ground with deserty sand plus dry bushes and grass blades planes, shouldn't take long!
Keep up the good work!!!
First pass bake, plenty of niggles to fix but i'm quite pleased with the result especially as i baked it all at once for a change.
Going to start work on the environment now then back to some more props.
Slowly figuring things out..
How do i get rid of the obvious blur that's going on?
This, you can also add real DOF through a flow graph and it has Bokeh and whatnot, this is the standard TOD blur. If you can't see it in the TOD you need to click "toggle advanced options".
It's also both not my texture and the first thing i could find to slap on the terrain that looks slightly closer to what i'm going for than grey :poly124:
Thanks for the crits though.
-Figured out Cryengines terrain and created something that fits reasonably well what i wanted in world machine. Needs some refining on the cliffs and height painted on the flat plains obviously but it's a better start.
-New ground texture although i need to work out how to combine a terrain base texture with detail textures and actually get the colour i'm looking for. Will be blended with a couple of other textures.
-Working on some foliage and rocks etc now so i can get an idea of how it looks with the terrain broken up a bit.
Also a high poly thing i'm working on every now and then just for practice.
Not sure how to get a more random distribution when painting it as vegetation, any values i'm missing?
(grass is obviously WIP
I've also rearranged my portfolio after some advice on what my strongest pieces are