Fast progress! Looking very good!
Just a quick tip: when you'll upload your character to Mixamo for the Auto-Rigging, make sure to upload her without the wings for best results.
My character has wings too. They confuse Mixamo's Auto-rigger into considering it as 'shoulder' or 'head' weight painting. You can auto rig the model w/o the wing geometry, and the add it back later to the rigged version.
Just a quick tip: when you'll upload your character to Mixamo for the Auto-Rigging, make sure to upload her without the wings for best results.
due to lack of time....I wasn't able to simulate the cloth and render it in houdini.
But still i enjoyed doing this.
great works guys! I'm inspired to all who participated the contest!
Until next time!
Thanks! ^^
Did you Auto-Rig and animate it?