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Hand Painted Textures - Mini Environment

polycounter lvl 5
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Sojumekju polycounter lvl 5
Hey Polycounters, another school assignment to make a small diffuse only environment with hand painted textures. This is my progress so far, fortunately I'm getting faster each time I work on a new tile because there is only 3 days left until its due. Any feedback appreciated!




  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    I would level your textures a little, there is a lot of black in there at the moment, and there is a seam in the roof. Apart from that it looks nice at the moment :) I hope you can come up with a model that matches the style :)
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    There's a lot of micro-details that read as noise. Reduce those if you can.

    They don't read as monotone (which is great and usually an issue (I do that a lot)). But the amount of black in the texture shadows make these read dirty. I would replace the black with an additional color.

    The biggest issue is right now this is just a random wall. Give it a story, purpose, setting, etc. Put some thought into that and it will pull everything together.
  • Sojumekju
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    Sojumekju polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks a lot for your comments guys. I've gone back and done a really quick and cheap levels and curves adjustment which hopefully brightens it a bit. I've yet to go back and clean up the noise and seams and properly tweak these textures only because I need to present in 2 days. I will definitely get back to this after the due date though and adapt your suggestions. Big fan of both your work btw.

    Quick update on what is hopefully more interesting geometry.

  • Sojumekju
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    Sojumekju polycounter lvl 5
    Well for 5 days work I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, although I wish I had more time to plan and refine the textures and despite the flaws in seams etc. All in all a great learning exercise and a fun departure from character modelling. A lot to learn still however, as always, feedback appreciated.

    Presentation shot

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    looks cool man, I especially like the bricks. I wouldn't call this done yet, the seam in the roof is definitely an issue you want to fix. The roof shingles overall could use some more value to give it more depth. I would take my time to work on value overall to really push how these textures are reading. A little more work would go a long way in this case. I understand if you have to turn it in, but if you want to become a professional 3d artist I would strongly recommend finishing this for learning purposes at the very least.
  • l.croxton
    Just a few things that I would personally address from an asthetics point of view. The tiles I would (ignoring the tiling issue... not meant as a pun btw ;) ) I would maybe tile them more, maybe 1.5x just to shrink them down a bit. To my eyes, they look to big and they kind of upset the look of proportion. Same goes for the under-roof wood texture. It looks massive and doesn't sit flush with the buildings wood structure which looks great to me.

    Everything looks pretty sweet but the roof in general looks oversized with the current texture set up. Just my thoughts :)
  • JamieRIOT
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    JamieRIOT polycounter lvl 6
    The roof tiles are definitely the main issue. Compare a single tile to the size of the door, some of them are like 8ft long.
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