Hi. I am fairly new to the CryEngine but I do have the basic fundementals down.
I am trying to bring a basic 4-wheel vehicle into the engine, following some tutorials telling me to edit the XML file of an existing vehicle. I have managed to do this just fine and the car is in the engine, however as soon as it hits the ground it does a crazy dance, almost like something is pushing up from its belly.
My export setup in Maya
Vehicle Editor setup in CE
Also, ensure you haven't scaled any parts. I've seen Cryengine has some possible bugs with scaled physics objects, especially when non-uniform (not scaled the same along each axis) not used Maya in years but there should be a way to apply the scaling.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kLT61R8eTA&list=UU48M6o6CniSI1W4XIsjIPmw&index=60"]Creating a custom vehicle and script in Cryengine 3 SDK Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]