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polycounter lvl 15
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McGreed polycounter lvl 15
What happened to the thread about Aliens: CM? Did it suddenly get deleted or what?


  • Paradan
    meteorite nailed it.
    nothing left.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    What you saying is....that Aliens...nuked it from orbit... 8(
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    there was some serious bashing about the game wich i doubt that would do good PR wise and reputation of other artists...but still deleting it...i think it goes against what polycount is for : discussing games and their art good/bad.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Extremely bad form if what I think happened here did happen. Polycount has always been a place where this kind of shenanigans never happens. If people are at each others throats fair enough a thread gets locked, but nothing like this. A very unfortunate precedent. Very disappointing but I get the feeling this is not on the PC staff.

    I wouldn't mind but people weren't even getting personal really, they were just expressing disappointment in a highly anticipated release, and critiquing art (let's remember what PC is about yes?). As consumers they have that right. If this is some kind of damage control effort instigated by Gearbox it is most definitely having the opposite effect.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    it was probably these guys:

  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Polycount Admins keep deleting threads like that and i don't think they should its an open discussion about the state of that game/industry.

    I can understand ryan hawkins removing his images and posts from both his art dump and here but the threads should not be deleted.

    i doubt you'll get an answer seems like this is becoming a norm on polycount :(
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    What other threads have been deleted and for how long has it happened for you to think its 'the norm'? Have threads been deleted in the past? You bet. But often? I don`t think its often, sorry. Threads get deleted when the OP asks them to be. It's as simple as that.
  • TheWinterLord
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    I deleted the two threads. I did it at the request of Ryan.

    Ryan was/is feeling some pressure at his real life job because of those threads and needed to remedy the situation.

    We do have to remove things like this from time to time when someone requests it. This isn't the norm as one might claim and there is no plan to do it further.

    You are more than welcome to talk about Aliens: Colonial Marines if you'd like. You can start a new master thread on it and we will not delete it.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    adam wrote: »
    What other threads have been deleted and for how long has it happened for you to think its 'the norm'? Have threads been deleted in the past? You bet. But often? I don`t think its often, sorry. Threads get deleted when the OP asks them to be. It's as simple as that.

    There have been several threads deleted in the past year, i cant link you to them because well they are deleted its usually ones that have alot of discussion good and bad on a subject that might be a little sensitive.

    I can understand why its done but think its easier to delete the posters comments, not have a scorched earth policy!

    I don't think the Aliens thread should have been deleted in the general discussion forum of all places especially how big of a hot topic its been this past week.

    even if it was asked by the original poster, there was alot of talk about that game good and bad, and only the original posters comments and posts should have been deleted not everyone elses.

    edit: why not open up the other thread and remove all post that might be damaging to the posters in question? again scorched earth policy really?
  • EarthQuake
    I can't think of many threads that have been downright deleted unless there was some really odd circumstance. Threads get closed fairly often usually for clear violations of polycount rules(piracy or hot-button political topics, etc), and by often I mean a few a year, however any thread that has been closed is still searchable/readable/etc. So I think its important to recognize the difference between closed and deleted, because I can't bring to mind any threads that have been outright deleted in a while(but perhaps I simply never knew they existed and someone else took care of it).

    Usually the only time we will straight up delete a thread is at user request when there are some special circumstances surrounding it.

    Try to understand one thing though: Deleting threads isn't something we like to do. Sometimes it is important for reasons other than the face value of the thread. Polycount is a community of artists first and foremost, and the games industry is a very small place, if deleting a thread means helping out a fellow artist in their personal/professional life, its something we may consider.
  • WarrenM
    One got deleted a few months ago but Adam admitted to a finger fudge and apologized for that one. That's all I can recall off hand.
  • EarthQuake
    WarrenM wrote: »
    One got deleted a few months ago but Adam admitted to a finger fudge and apologized for that one. That's all I can recall off hand.

    Yeah I think that was a case of that thread getting caught in a mass-deletion of spam posts, so just a technical glitch/Adam being dumb really. :poly124:

    We delete spam posts and double posts and things like that all the time, but I can't think of anything recently that was deleted because the thread got too heated or whatever, but maybe my memory is going here...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Sometimes users excitedly post their first art test and later ask us to remove them because they were either requested or they were just afraid to hurt their chances. I always try to take care of those as quickly and possible, I know how scary your first test is.

    We also occasionally get the drama request to delete all of a users posts because they are "quitting" polycount. I typically ignore those and tag them as "don't bother" but I'm not sure if other mods follow up on that.

    so that could explain if you see posts disappearing from P&P now and then.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    You actually had to make the thread to discuss the fact that a thread was deleted?

    Threads get deleted if OP requests them to be deleted and / or if Mods and Admins and Adams think that the thread is going to cause problems later on.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    If Ryan asked for it to be deleted then that should be respected IMO.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I had to make a thread about a subject I was interested in, disappearing without any notice. This is why its bad to just remove threads, because it leaves people hanging with no idea why.
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    With the amount of bashing done in that thread, i'm not surprised at all. Some people do need to realize that for everyone who posts on polycount there are 10 people who lurk, industry people, humans. I know it's the internet where everything is either amazingngly awesometastic or the worst thing ever. But people do need to think about what their saying about peoples work. There are enough ravenous vultures in places like Kotaku etc. I really don't like seeing a new game releases thread turn into what that thread did.

    Just because you maybe agree that the game didn't look too great, doesn't mean you have to add your voice to the screaming hoard. Your opinions in this case weren't helping anybody just adding fuel to a fire.

    Polycount is a community, i agree i don't want it censored too much either, with only pats on the back etc. But seriously people, learn to censor yourself sometimes, think about who your audience may be.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    TrevorJ wrote: »
    Just because you maybe agree that the game didn't look too great, doesn't mean you have to add your voice to the screaming hoard. Your opinions in this case weren't helping anybody just adding fuel to a fire.

    But if it looked amazing i bet you wouldn't have a problem with people adding that opinion to the mix. It's a discussion board, if you don't agree with the hivemind then so be it, doesn't mean they are wrong or should stop posting.

    I hate it when threads get hard deleted from forums, far better to move it to an admin/mod visible only subforum and leave a 'thread deleted at OP request' message.
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    I did agree with the "hivemind", and no i wouldn't have a problem with praise for amazing art. I did have kind of a problem with ....what 8 pages? Of the same bashing over and over. I wasn't saying people CANT post, i was just saying... think.
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    TrevorJ wrote: »
    Polycount is a community, i agree i don't want it censored too much either, with only pats on the back etc. But seriously people, learn to censor yourself sometimes, think about who your audience may be.

    Mr. Burns: Where did I go wrong? I made all the right moves, didn't I?
    Burns' Underlings: Yes, sir. Absolutely.
    Mr. Burns: Oh, I see it now; you're nothing but a bunch of yes-men. I was making all the wrong moves, and you were too gutless to tell me!
    Burns' Underlings: Yes, sir. Absolutely. Every move the wrong one.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    ae. wrote: »
    There have been several threads deleted in the past year, i cant link you to them because well they are deleted its usually ones that have alot of discussion good and bad on a subject that might be a little sensitive.

    I can only think of the one Adam deleted accidentally; and it was about something completely random as far as I can remember. I think you're wrong there.
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    Again, I will say it again, please feel free to open a new Aliens thread. You are also welcome to say all the exact same things you said before. This wasn't about you [the collective you]. This wasn't about the things that were said in those threads. Yes I know you guys were dumping crap on the game. That wasn't the reason.

    This was about a member of the community needing to have his posts pulled at his own request. Since those posts had content that he posted, we absolutely respected his request and removed them. That's a right that all of you have, btw. As I mentioned the reason again had nothing to do with you but rather pressure he was getting from his job because he had shared that content with us.

    As for the scorched earth policy comments? yes, really. when you remove the head of the thread the entire thread is removed. If he had added that content into existing threads then maybe cutting his content out would have been an option. But that wasn't the case.

    I'm fairly disappointed in the comments in here. We've been running the community for 15 years and we have a very long history of not performing the sort of activities you are currently shaming us for. We have been fair and honest and almost completely hands off of the discussions the entire time. We have never played favorites. The only times we've removed content has been when a particular situation has required it and 90% of those times has been at the request of the author. We have not earned your criticism.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I had a thread of mine deleted once. Old sketchbook thread, I'd wanted to start a fresh one so I PMed a moderator and requested it deleted, as not to have a duplicate.

    Thanks for noticing, jerks.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I had a thread of mine deleted once. Old sketchbook thread, I'd wanted to start a fresh one so I PMed a moderator and requested it deleted, as not to have a duplicate.

    Thanks for noticing, jerks.

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I am kind of scared of this thread becoming a typical warzone. Perhaps a fair warning of thread being deleted by OT could save alot of headache. Or perhaps no one should question about thread bering deleted as he have no right to question the mods and admins unless it was started by you.

    You can however; Make a new thread and continue on your discussion regarding the same topic.

    EDIT: My thread was locked once. Then I had to apologize for making it in another thread. :(
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    They cut the power.
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