Hey Guys,
Been tinkering around with this idea for awhile now since the summer actually, I have been working on Sci-fi since i started at Digital extremes and really want to push myself to do more organic stuff.
The basic idea of the project is that the user/viewer starts out in a scifi hallway but as he opens the main door of the area he walks out into a large and beautiful landscape.
My main inspiration for this scene is actually from the second mission "Halo" from HALO:CE: [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfSZ8bnBeXY"]Halo Anniversary Walkthrough Part 2 - Halo [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
This level is the reason i got into games the first time you step onto halo and are presented this world that has so much possibilities, I wanted to convey the same feeling with this scene.
I'm hoping to get a solid blackout of the interior done sometime this weekend below you can find s bite-sized concept sheet that i will be using to define not only the scifi elements but also the landscape of the level:

Here were some studies and ideas i was exploring before i set out to make this scene(disclaimer: below assets will not be in final scene) :
I also really love that you gave this project an identity. I'm a huge fan of naming projects things other than "another sci fi hallway". Giving it an identity really helps you as the artist feel immersed in this space.
I also cant wait to start messing about with the organic bits and new programs that will aid me in making this project look beautiful (world machine, Vue)
hope to have some updates going up shortly!