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3D solid modeling

Hi all, first post! I'm currently learning how to use SolidWorks and in my free time I like to come up with my own little projects. I plan on taking Unity3D and Maya classes next school year, or doing some self teaching if I get a new computer over the summer. But for now, I'm addicted to SolidWorks :]. I've created tons of objects, but all of which lack definitive detail from my teachers request, because he sometimes uses the models and imports them into game projects he uses for other classes. As for now I leave off with only one picture. It's my most recent project, and my best in my opinion.


There are several details you can't see in this picture. There is a series of pipes on the back of the large and medium sized building, along with some other objects I made today. (Took this picture on 2/12). There is also a roughly designed layout for the ground floor.(I plan to customize the inside of the building just as I have began to design the outside. Eventually :P) I would really appreciate comments and suggestions, the more diversity I can get into this the better :]. Right now I'm focused on a steampunk mixed with modern style, and plan to eventually add on to this one block and turn it into a city. I'll be back with more pictures tomorrow :]. Thanks for reading!

Comments and criticism please! :]


  • nosyT
    Started on the last building on the block, once it's finished I'll begin the next block. Pretty sure its gonna be a construction site. But for now, here's a bit of an update.

    (The L is laying on the ground...)
  • PixelSuit
    Hey nosyT, I'm not familiar with SolidWorks so I cant really crit much on a technical side. With regards to the buildings it looks like you have made a good start, I really like the building with the windows. One thing that stands out is the difference in the level of detail the building with the windows has compared with the other two. There is also a lack of Steampunk design here so far, I would expect to see a lot of pipes and cogs for example.

    With regards to Unity and Maya you should be able to download Unity with no issues and if you are in education (I'm guessing you are since you referenced your teacher) you should be eligible to purchase an educational licence to some software (possibly Maya, I'm not sure since Autodesk took over). If you cannot get an educational licence you could always try Blender (free, opensource, 3D software) and start practising now before you start your classes. I cannot stress enough what a benefit it will be to you to get practice in now, it will mean you can hit the ground running once you start your classes.

    Good luck with it, looking forward to learning about SolidWorks from this thread and what you create with it.
  • nosyT
    Thanks for the reply PixelSuit :]. The main building there was the first building I started, and most of the work I've put into this was obviously focused on that :]. As I work I plan to finish up the gas station looking building, and also the undecided building on the right(open to suggestions!). I've started some basic pipes and wire parts, we'll just have to see how steam-punk it actually turns out haha :].

    As far as Maya and Unity go the computer I currently use isn't really up to par to use either software to it's fullest, or even mediocre potential so I'll probably get around to that stuff this summer. All of this was made with my free time for personal projects in school. Thanks again for your post!
  • PixelSuit
    A nice mix of modern and Steampunk could be some neon signs where you can see the workings inside them as being cogs and clockwork? This could be used for the hotel and gas station signs. Maybe your building on the right could be a small casino or arcade and use the same idea? This could help tie the buildings together and make them seem as if they belong in the same world.

    Keep up the good work!
  • nosyT
    Thanks for the suggestions :} I like the idea of the arcade, along with the neon signs idea :] I should have both accomplished within the following week. I also plan to eventually get around to making more gear/cogs/pipe fixtures and assemblies as I progress, trying to tackle the "big" objects that kind of stand out immediately. Thanks again for your response, I really appreciate it :]. Sorry for the delay on my part. I should have an update or two in the following week..
  • nosyT
    Sorry for the double post.
    I found out this morning SolidWorks has a walk through feature, which kinda really made my day haha. I was messing around with lighting when I stumbled upon it, so here's some more close up pics.
  • nosyT
    Triple post FTW. Finished most of the major detail over the block, and calling it partially finished and moving on to patching up little things and moving on to smaller details such as pipe structures, trash, ect. Here's pics...
  • JoshVanZuylen
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshVanZuylen polycounter lvl 5
    Can we get a wireframe if its no trouble?
  • Disaster
    Offline / Send Message
    Disaster polycounter lvl 9
    Can we get a wireframe if its no trouble?

    IIRC, SolidWorks does not "work" in polygons and you can not render a traditional wireframe, other than the bounding edges of surfaces.
  • nosyT
    Disaster wrote: »
    IIRC, SolidWorks does not "work" in polygons and you can not render a traditional wireframe, other than the bounding edges of surfaces.

    As he said, sorry :\. I could get to that eventually once the objects get imported into blender, but that's a while off..
  • nosyT
    Doing a lot of self teaching. Found a way to apply basic textures and stuff :P
  • nosyT
    Won't have another update till Tuesday.
  • nosyT
    Updates are gonna be kinda thin from here on out, taking a different class and learning unity :D:D:D

    More basic texturing

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