Hi everyone, I've been asked to put my knowledge into a 4 weeks project to test my skills to get a a job at a VideoGame company in Montreal. I want to show you my results so far. They gave me a concept art and I got to reproduce it in 3D. They gave me a 50k poly budget and the use of only 6 textures for the whole scene. Lastly, i can't make use of any post process at all.
So here is the concept art and my work so far...The scene is almost done. Need to model the car and texture it and add few more details.
***For profesionnal reasons, I decided to remove any picture of this thread.***
Sry everyone
Are you within the art test specs? The triangle counts and texture resolutions you're hitting seem much higher than I would expect, but I don't know shit about mobile nowadays.
I wouldn't assume that you should be sharing your art test with the internet, however.