haha hey guys first time ever touching zbrush, I really didnt know what I was doing at all at this point in time. It took 1.5 hours to sculpt and I'm working ion the topology of it now to see if I can texture it.
I went with words like treeman, evil, wired, rustic, boss, grand, float.
What would be good is if I could get some hard critique I would like to further my skills with zbrush, detail is a big thing for me.

stab in the dark crit tho
im guessing you started with the basic sphere in zbrush as you can see where you have pulled it out on the tentacle bits the points in the model have been stretched out and look quite deformed.
as there is no topology on the actual face you are having the same problem its become very dense in areas and not in others giving a crunched look to it.
ZBrush has tons of extremely useful features to achieve exactly what you desire, there is no need to just stick with one or two brushes and form everything out of one mesh.
If you rather want to learn how to define your sculpting skills, than i would recommend to use Mudbox since it's a bit more on point. ZBrush can be a bit hard for beginners and since Mudbox has no DynaMesh you're forced to take care of a proper poly distribution.