Hi. I've recently made a site at last:) I'd like to share my works with you and maybe I can even get feedbacks. Thanks a lot! Oh, and the website: http://artemshvetsov.weebly.com/
At first I thought there were only 4 models. After clicking on the images I found way more.
Perhaps, you can alude to the fact that those images lead to pages with multiple different assets. Maybe some text under the images like "Weapon Models" or "Vehicle Models". I know at the top it says "Press Images to see more" but more isn't very specific.
I think showing the wireframes of the weapons and vehicles would be nice. Also, flats of any of the textures that you did. If you still have access to that stuff.
-for the tanks sense the textures are not made by you I would only use one or two shots per tank that has the texture applied, let the viewer focus on what you did and not what someone else did
-you said you did the mapping for them, is that just uv-mapping? and the normal map is included when you say textures? be a little more specific, example:
-"Highpoly, Lowpoly, and UV-Mapping were done by myself. Normal, Diffuse, Spec were done by so and so."
-Also more wire frame shots! You got one that looks good but that's it... only one
-why texture the highpoly? why not make a loypoly and do that up
-the order of the photos at the top seem somewhat random, none are titled to aid the viewer in finding a comparison image, everything seems to be highpoly, some are textured but none show flats or polycounts. You say you worked at Crytek under those guns, but don't mention it on your resume.
what is it you are trying to become? If its game art, do more lowpoly stuff show off the wireframes and polycounts and post the flats. Update the tad bit about working at Crytek, put that in your resume under experience.
Thanks a million for your feedbacks!!!:) That's what I really needed. I've got a lot of work ahead to do all the stuff you mentioned, so I'll need a few more days to make it all. But you can already see some changes- like text under main images and of course bigger name lol:) Again, thanks a lot for your feedback
Done:) I've added more wireframe shots and removed few textured screens from tanks. Also, I've tried to make all the screens more arranged and specific by adding coments for every shot.
And the main thing- I moved all the models to one page. Hope this will help to fix the issue with an impression, that I have just 4 models to show.
Oh, and why did I textured the highpoly- it was some kind of a challenge for me to texture the highpoly and I don't want to lose details in lowpoly model:)
How do you know I worked at Ubisoft?:) In any case, all I managed to get from my work at Crytek is that Jaw weapon. All other models stayed there. Same goes for Ubi. Companies in my country don't like too much when you take anything home. So you can say I had to start from the scratch
The thumbnails are not intuitive at all. I needed to read the comments here to find out there're actually more models hidden in there. You should seriously consider presenting your pieces differently. I'd suggest gathering some cool portfolio references and let yourself be inspired. At least, that's what I did.
Are those tanks (mainly the FT-17 and the sherman) from "World of Tanks"?
They really look like they are, especially since you also have that destroyed model.
So in that case, you might also want to mention that you have done work for Wargaming
And the phones at the bottom are a bit confusing to me, when I saw the first image I was under the impression that you worked on a mobile game, but it turns out to be just a couple of modelled phones.
They aren't game-art and they aren't as impressive as for example your guns (wich are more complex/better show of modelling skill).
So I don't really understand why they are there, maybe remove those, and spend more of your page on breaking down some of those guns more. (if games are your focus).
Thanks for your feedbacks!
I've completely changed the way portfolio looks and how a person browses images. I discarded thumbnails, all of this slideshow stuff and simply listed all of the images. Hope it looks more arranged and logical now:)
As for tanks model- yes, it's "WoT" and currently I'm working at Wargaming:) Also, I've removed devices from my portfolio. I guess you're right- there is no use of them in game artist portfolio.
Your models look really well and the renders are good aswell.
I dont really like the font you choose on your portfolio tho, and they are too big aswell. What is it, arial, helvetica LT? Choose something with more character for your name and the preview images, or atleast your name.
Make your preview images bigger, your page looks so tiny.
Also 2 colored and 1 greyscale image between dosnt look so well on the frontpage. You should redo the preview images in a way.
Also check your background, you have 2 strange patterns intersecting there, and a grey bar on bottom, and this insane "seam" on top. maybe go with very light gradients, or flat color for those. Try showing some taste through the page.
Your resume is nice and clean, like that one. a photo should be there tho,
a lot friendlier with one.
Thank you, Shrike!
I've changed font to a smaller one and more military type and switched patterns. Not sure these patterns look much better, though:)
dpadam450, where did you see it? I made it less than 2 weeks ago. You may have seen my Arc Gen during WIP I had here, but I didn't publish tanks and other weapons at all. And the rocket launcher is older than a lot of other stuff I published:)
why have you not updated your resume to include the past companies you worked for as well as the games you have worked on?! that's a huge importance when on the job hunt
When possible, try to identify the "other artists" - it's common courtesy as well as more professional.
Personally, I would make the images smaller, with links to the full-sized images, but that might be a matter of taste. I just find it harder to navigate when each image fills an entire screen.
If possible, you should create a low-poly version of the ArcGen, and bake the normals. These are fairly common tasks for artists these days, and a good job will impress potential employers.
For the M1911, you might want to include an exploded view.
Finally, I'll repeat my standard warning about using art assets you've done a part of your job - ask for permission before using them. They are the property of your (former?) employer. Most companies don't have a problem with artists showcasing their work, and it can even generate positive publicity; some companies, however, are extremely possessive. While an individual can get away with a lot on the assumption very few will ever see it, a portfolio is often used when seeking employment, and potential employers tend to talk to former employers.
Screenshots from the game itself are generally safe, especially if they are part of a press or publicity kit, and links to the companies' sites are always a good idea.
Your resume seems very brief - you should include your work experience, listing both the games on which you have worked and the companies for whom you have worked. If your work was outsourced, include both your company and the parent. Links to the games' pages are nice, but could probably go under the portfolio pages.
Finally, the line under the titles should be closer to the items.
Hi. Thanks for your feedbacks. I updated my resume page and included companies and projects.
Regarding permissions for using this stuff, to be short - I can use this stuff. According to my contract with Crytek I had to wait 3 years after I quit, and then I can use stuff I made. I took only this gun b/c I was finishing it at home back then. And my current employer doesn't really mind.
As for Colt- thanks for the tip, I wonder why I didn't think about it:)
Concerning "other artists", I should ask them first, I'll do it on Monday:)
And I guess I'll have to make Arc Gen lowpoly then. it was mentioned too many times.
Oh, and I'm not sure I understand correctly what line and under which titles did you mean?:)
Regarding big images vs thumbs- I'd be grateful if more people give opinions. Since I had smaller images, but got feedback that it doesn't look too good. So if I get more feedbacks that thumbs look better, I'll get them back
Perhaps, you can alude to the fact that those images lead to pages with multiple different assets. Maybe some text under the images like "Weapon Models" or "Vehicle Models". I know at the top it says "Press Images to see more" but more isn't very specific.
I think showing the wireframes of the weapons and vehicles would be nice. Also, flats of any of the textures that you did. If you still have access to that stuff.
Overall, nice work!
-for the tanks sense the textures are not made by you I would only use one or two shots per tank that has the texture applied, let the viewer focus on what you did and not what someone else did
-you said you did the mapping for them, is that just uv-mapping? and the normal map is included when you say textures? be a little more specific, example:
-"Highpoly, Lowpoly, and UV-Mapping were done by myself. Normal, Diffuse, Spec were done by so and so."
-Also more wire frame shots! You got one that looks good but that's it... only one
-why texture the highpoly? why not make a loypoly and do that up
-the order of the photos at the top seem somewhat random, none are titled to aid the viewer in finding a comparison image, everything seems to be highpoly, some are textured but none show flats or polycounts. You say you worked at Crytek under those guns, but don't mention it on your resume.
what is it you are trying to become? If its game art, do more lowpoly stuff show off the wireframes and polycounts and post the flats. Update the tad bit about working at Crytek, put that in your resume under experience.
keep up the good work!
And the main thing- I moved all the models to one page. Hope this will help to fix the issue with an impression, that I have just 4 models to show.
Oh, and why did I textured the highpoly- it was some kind of a challenge for me to texture the highpoly and I don't want to lose details in lowpoly model:)
Anyway all model are solid stuff ! Great weapons! I wanted to model this fist one some time ago but couldn't find time for this
Keep going! Cheers!
They really look like they are, especially since you also have that destroyed model.
So in that case, you might also want to mention that you have done work for Wargaming
And the phones at the bottom are a bit confusing to me, when I saw the first image I was under the impression that you worked on a mobile game, but it turns out to be just a couple of modelled phones.
They aren't game-art and they aren't as impressive as for example your guns (wich are more complex/better show of modelling skill).
So I don't really understand why they are there, maybe remove those, and spend more of your page on breaking down some of those guns more. (if games are your focus).
Just my opinion.
I've completely changed the way portfolio looks and how a person browses images. I discarded thumbnails, all of this slideshow stuff and simply listed all of the images. Hope it looks more arranged and logical now:)
As for tanks model- yes, it's "WoT" and currently I'm working at Wargaming:) Also, I've removed devices from my portfolio. I guess you're right- there is no use of them in game artist portfolio.
I dont really like the font you choose on your portfolio tho, and they are too big aswell. What is it, arial, helvetica LT? Choose something with more character for your name and the preview images, or atleast your name.
Make your preview images bigger, your page looks so tiny.
Also 2 colored and 1 greyscale image between dosnt look so well on the frontpage. You should redo the preview images in a way.
Also check your background, you have 2 strange patterns intersecting there, and a grey bar on bottom, and this insane "seam" on top. maybe go with very light gradients, or flat color for those. Try showing some taste through the page.
Your resume is nice and clean, like that one. a photo should be there tho,
a lot friendlier with one.
I've changed font to a smaller one and more military type and switched patterns. Not sure these patterns look much better, though:)
dpadam450, where did you see it? I made it less than 2 weeks ago. You may have seen my Arc Gen during WIP I had here, but I didn't publish tanks and other weapons at all. And the rocket launcher is older than a lot of other stuff I published:)
Personally, I would make the images smaller, with links to the full-sized images, but that might be a matter of taste. I just find it harder to navigate when each image fills an entire screen.
If possible, you should create a low-poly version of the ArcGen, and bake the normals. These are fairly common tasks for artists these days, and a good job will impress potential employers.
For the M1911, you might want to include an exploded view.
Finally, I'll repeat my standard warning about using art assets you've done a part of your job - ask for permission before using them. They are the property of your (former?) employer. Most companies don't have a problem with artists showcasing their work, and it can even generate positive publicity; some companies, however, are extremely possessive. While an individual can get away with a lot on the assumption very few will ever see it, a portfolio is often used when seeking employment, and potential employers tend to talk to former employers.
Screenshots from the game itself are generally safe, especially if they are part of a press or publicity kit, and links to the companies' sites are always a good idea.
Your resume seems very brief - you should include your work experience, listing both the games on which you have worked and the companies for whom you have worked. If your work was outsourced, include both your company and the parent. Links to the games' pages are nice, but could probably go under the portfolio pages.
Finally, the line under the titles should be closer to the items.
Regarding permissions for using this stuff, to be short - I can use this stuff. According to my contract with Crytek I had to wait 3 years after I quit, and then I can use stuff I made. I took only this gun b/c I was finishing it at home back then. And my current employer doesn't really mind.
As for Colt- thanks for the tip, I wonder why I didn't think about it:)
Concerning "other artists", I should ask them first, I'll do it on Monday:)
And I guess I'll have to make Arc Gen lowpoly then. it was mentioned too many times.
Oh, and I'm not sure I understand correctly what line and under which titles did you mean?:)
Regarding big images vs thumbs- I'd be grateful if more people give opinions. Since I had smaller images, but got feedback that it doesn't look too good. So if I get more feedbacks that thumbs look better, I'll get them back