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Pregnant Game Characters

polycounter lvl 14
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Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
The other day I was thinking about female characters in games and I couldn't come up with a single female character in the late stages of pregnancy. I was curious if anyone had any examples of this. I did a quick search of polycount and couldn't find anyone who had attempted to make one either. I'm sure there isn't much demand for it in a portfolio, but I think it would be a very memorable piece.


  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    I'm guessing you mean in a non-evil context?
    Lilith in the new DmC is pregnant with Mundus' spawn
  • Bibendum
    IIRC there's a scene in the Duke Nukem 3d expansion of an alien pregnancy.

    You never see anyone pregnant but in Doom 3 there are also women crying "they took my baby!" in the medical bay.

    It's not very common but when games do use pregnant characters they tend to be like that... plot gimmicks. The same goes for sci-fi/fantasy movies
    (Prometheus, that one zombie movie in the mall.... other stuff)

    I don't actually think it would be a very memorable piece. Pregnant women in games might be rare but it's not necessarily interesting and in order for something to be memorable to me it needs to be both. In some cases "interesting" can just mean bizarre, I'm sure I am not the only person who remembers that model of the ogre with 7 penises...
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    FEAR 2 Spoiler alert:

    Alma is preggers at the end.

    Also wondering if there's some kind of ESRB thing about shooting pregnant ladies.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    In terms of 'folio piece, they wouldn't be top priority, since if you know how to sculpt a heroic looking character with muscle and bone structure, you will also know how to sculpt essentially a tomato on a belly and would be alot more forgiving.
    You can still do it, but making a big, fat, beer belly, monster with a glowing belly-button will get the eye more instead of a pregnant woman at the end of the day, especially if she's going to be 'functional pregnant' (EI: wearing baggy clothes, which cover all her form's and give alot of excuse for hiding stuff).

    And let's face it, pregnancy is something that makes many of us uneasy as a subject, if it's not personal, then it will be how others will see it (can you imagine the shit-storm you would get if your 'folio was featured on Kotaku and you had a pregnant amazon warrior in it? The large amount of complaints or kudos as drama? This wouldn't matter in your working environment, but it might be influenced...)

    On the other hand: Games who use pregnant...stuff, almost always do it to force a reaction out of you, be it emotional, mental or physical; Dead Space, DMC 2013, Duke Nukem, FEAR2, Dragon Age, Parasite Eve, Harvest Moon, MGS3, Dante's Inferno, etc.
    They can get that emotion out most of the time without a need for a physical display, so they use it to their advantage, essentially doing the least amount of work and risk.

    Also, looking back on TVTropes, you're right, outside of Sims like games, pregnancy is only ever shown as either evil (Brood Mother from DA) or hinted at (Boss from MGS3).

    @Choi: Yes, there is actually, AvP Requiem was originally going to be rated Mature, but ended up being an R, because of that scene of pregnant women getting the entire facehugging thing, and because the Alien would consume the baby. Not outright shown, but the implication was enough to get it a higher rating.

    Basically all rating system out there have unwritten rules to which they will penalize you upon.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    well you can´t realy show a pregnant women in a game, because if shes only seen in cutscenes or standing around it wouldnt be realy worth the effort/risk. (just imagine the youtube videos showing dante or whoever hitting a pregnant women in the stomach. although nothing actually happens it could totaly spark a shitstorm)

    as for "real" characters that walk around and stuff, this wouldnt work either cause highly pregnant women aren´t realy supposed to be moving a lot.

    and resulting from that it doesn´t realy make sense to build a character that would never ever be shown in a game for your folio.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    I just want to say that this thread is really silly. There's a time and place for every type of character.

    Pregnant creatures are pretty hot though.
  • KateC
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    KateC polycounter lvl 7
    Absolutely do it, yeah. A respectfully done pregnant character would instantly have my attention, and be a nice departure from the work usually seen in character portfolios.
  • 3DKnight
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    3DKnight polycounter lvl 17
    ceebee wrote: »
    Pregnant creatures are pretty hot though.

  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Somebody had done a pregnant female character rendered in Vray I spotted earlier this year. It'd make for a nice illustration, but I'm not so sure about actual game characters (unless you're talking the Sims franchise).

    On a related note:


    You simply cannot go wrong with Arnie being pregnant!
  • Mrskullface
    it's not games but I did make pregnant strippers with game models on Xavier the Renegade Angel : ]
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    The sims?

    But seriously the themes that are in games do not usually allow for characters to portrayed normally. I can recall a few games with pregnant ladys and mothers as npc's in the world though.

    I think the demon pregnant lady trope is a bit old though...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    ceebee wrote: »
    I just want to say that this thread is really silly.

    Completely agree. Totally redundant. Who cares if you model a women with a distended stomach?? As long as you're not putting her in an FPS and using her for target practice I can't see why anyone would care.
    but I did make pregnant strippers

    Hah that's hilarious, have you got pics?
  • Mrskullface
    man i used to be able to find the whole episode, but this is all i can find on the net of it.

  • Paradan
    how about a pregnant skyrim companion? she could be a gift from the god of fertility or something, and instead of having a kid she's like a cornucopia. she just spreads her legs and its like "Cabbage for everyone!"
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    I'm talking about your average pregnant females, not monsters, strippers, or amazonian warriors. Maybe a scene in a hospital somewhere? I think Ace-Angel definitely has the best explanation of why this is the case, but I also think it is something that is still pretty strange. Even if someone wasn't going to do this for a game, I think it would be great to see a character artist approach the subject and do it well. I'm sure at the very least it would be a good challenge.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I think it comes down to it not being very interesting, at least not to anyone outside of the relationship. I mean do you really want to see some random pregnant lady's belly? Character artists make things that are in games and you don't really see too many preggers in games. I could see it as maybe a piece to commemorate their wife's pregnancy but other than that I see no purpose in it. Just my two cents.
  • KateC
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    KateC polycounter lvl 7
    'No purpose' is kind of a strange way of putting it. If you're making an open world game like Skyrim/GTA/Red Dead with a variety of characters, why wouldn't you have the odd pregnant NPC? What purpose does any character model have? If nothing else, it creates a different silhouette to work with.

    F'real, it's a little disheartening to see they're boiled down to goofs and weird brood mothers.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I'm pretty sure Lulu is pregnant in FFX-2. She's not a playable character, and certainly isn't in the "late" stages of pregnancy, but she is nonetheless.

    That's the only non-evil, just "Hey, this person is pregnant" game instance I can think of, though.
  • Bibendum
    There's plenty of Japanese games with women in late stages of pregnancy... but unless you're asking for fetish purposes they probably don't meet your criteria either.

    Honestly this is a premise with such niche appeal that it's really unsurprising no one has done it.

    You could always be the first?

    Edit: If we're going to include non-late stage pregnancies, Sarah in Lost Odyssey gets pregnant, you eventually meet up with her kids too but you never see her in late stages.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Proximity of pregnant women to violence is likely to cause problems for classification in some places - it's generally frowned upon, and thereby generally avoided by studios, to have children in violent situations, much less unborn babies.

    That said, I can't see any particular reason why you couldn't have a pregnant lady on your portfolio. I'd toyed with the idea myself a few times. Might still get around to doing it eventually.
  • Lugbzurg
    You know... I never gave this topic any thought. I should just have some pregnant NPCs wandering around an overworld (and not have it be a gimmick of any kind) just like anyone else, and see how people react.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Just remember you posted the topic.....

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P58y63Ujj14"]Second Life Water Birth Gingi Kellman and Baby April 26th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Pretty sure this is how Fallout 3 started.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    ahaha here i was thinking i was gonna be the only one! but lots of examples of preggos in games already.
  • Gav
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