Im trying to make a script similar to 3dsmax's bridge tool which works on uneven number of edge selection. The idea is to take the edge selection of the border and appends to create a poly and then triangulate and then quadrangulate. Im stuck at the part on how to plug the String variable of the Edge selection into polyAppend command and have it work.
what I have as a test right now:
string $appendEd = "-ed 6 -ed 32 -ed 39 -ed 46 -ed 53 -ed 27 -ed 20 -ed 13";
polyAppend -ch on -s 1 -tx 1 $appendEd polySurfaceShape1 ;
the error it gives me:
// Error: Invalid flag '-ed 6 -ed 32 -ed 39 -ed 46 -ed 53 -ed 27 -ed 20 -ed 13' //