I just finished 2 personal projects, that I did to help me get to grips with hand drawn textures with lighting/shadow information drawn into the color map. Like you would find in mmos such as WoW.
The renders of the sword are taken with just ambient light all lighting information you see have been drawn into the color map: The texture res is 512x512. I used an old drawing from warhammer online as concept
Low poly sword (
View in 3D)

The box render was taken with a simple directional light to show it off.

These are pretty much the first hand drawn textures I’ve made so I would love some feedback or techniques I could use to make the next textures/models better.
It's also hard to gauge what the scale of this crate is supposed to be. Either it's a huge crate, or those are some very tiny chains (which will disappear if the texture is ever scaled down). Finally, it doesn't make any sense from a functional/story perspective. Why are there chains hanging from the space between the trim and the side? What's the banner doing there? Why are there Asian motifs along with Nordic runes on the lid? Things to consider.
Your spot on with everything
What do you mean by uneven edge highlights btw?
Thx for the input m8 greatly appreciated.
ah i see what you mean.
i dont see the resemblance.
Anyway nice work dude ! :thumbup: