Hi everyone,
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes. I want to start working on more organic and stylized work in my spare time and I think DOTA armor is the obvious way to go. Some awesome stuff out there and the overall style is DOTA is wonderful!
Anyway, instead of just copying some existing armor I'm wondering if anybody has a concept they've made (2D) that they wouldn't mind lending to me to turn into 3D. Full credit to them for the design and they can have it when I'm done.
As I'm just starting I'd Like to do something fairly simple like a helmet, but I'll consider anything really. And of course, I'll keep this thread updated with my progress for crits and comments!
Also, if anybody has any advice/info/tutorials for creating this kind of stuff then feel free to post it up too

I'll post my own choices for what to make soon anyway and make a start if nobody has posted their own work.
So, anyway, feel free to post your work or PM me