Hi lo,
My name's Adam. Im a long time polycounter, and a first time poster. I have worked in this industry just over a year.
last year i took a job at a small startup called Clapfoot Inc. in Toronto. We make Mobile games. We've released such titles as:
Sector Strike,
Play Tennis,and
Tank Hero
it has been such a great experience. Ive had to learn so much being 1 of 2 Artist. I've had to wear many hats at this job: UI, Sound, Web Master, Environment. I've never really done much character work, but I've always admired it.
Basically our next title is in alpha right now, and it requires us to develop several modular characters than can be decked out in gear. The character(s) I have to create are going to be fully modular, meaning that several segments of his body will be swapped out at some point in engine (which is our own). This is the default starting mesh, when we develop the look of the armor sets we plan to really push the silouhette so that everything is very readable on a mobile device. The image below shows the base model of the character, as well as the various modular parts of the character. We will also be including: Headgear, Shoulders, and both main hand and off hand weapons

I dissected other games like torchlight, and viewed Skankerzero's amazing modular crowd design thread. Those things definitely inspired this direction that we are taking with the characters. That being said, I need your advice. any helpful critque or feedback would be welcomed. I would love these characters to really pop, whether it pushing the silhouette, or adding a lot more contrast to the textures. The style that we are going for is a mix between dragons nest and Torchlight.
Let me know what you think, or what could be improved. So far this is a first pass at the texturing,so around ~5-8 hours noodling with the textures, I am definitely getting a lot faster as im doing this, and Im noticing improvement already from when i started til now. Im at home and dont have access to max 2013 here, so i cannot open the file (d'oh) so I shall be posting wireframes on monday.
Its been an amazing opportunity to work on game design, UI as well as art. Here are some screenshots of our game thus far. Any questions please feel free to let me know!
A lot of changes have been made since the original post. We have to learn pretty much every technique we implement in this game.
One of the biggest changes was to stay away from realistic lighting, and go for a "cel" shaded look. Basically there is not a full gradient of lighting information, it abruptly translates from white highlights to shadows
We are constantly getting better, and its very exciting to work on a project like this.