Hey guys,
I just recently built my first hackintosh, and I was kind of hoping that it would handle maya a little quicker than it currently is.
i7 3.4
16GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2048MB
The camera is almost unmoveable unless i'm in wireframe mode. There is a chance that something is not working with my graphics drivers, though i've checked them twice. Does that seem off to you? Or is that about right
nVidia released official OSX drivers for 10.8.2: http://www.nvidia.com/object/macosx-304.00.05f02-driver.html
Naw, my desktop in an q9550, 8gb of ram, a 1tb 7200rpm HDD, and an Nvidia 470 which can push 5 million polys before it gets to slow. An SSD will not solve the OPs problem, a real OS would.