Hey PC
I am trying to update my resume and I am curious how you guys list your freelance experience on your resume. I have been getting 1-2 month contracts for different clients for a while now. Both individuals and companies. My predicament is that I am kinda running out of room to list them along with a description of what I did. Should I ditch the description and just list the client/title/date?
The other thing is I am not sure how to list things for individuals. These have mainly been for indie/Kickstarter people that don't have a legitimate company or website. Should I just not even bother listing these?
Also, do you think it looks bad when I have a slew of 1-2 month contracts?
Thanks for any thoughts.
Don't worry about having only 1-2 month contracts, that's how it goes for freelances sometimes.
Here's how I usually list things...
SomeCompany - "Title Of Project" (If noteworthy, e.g. a game.)
Modeler and Texture Artist
Modeled and textured props and environment assets.
May 2012 - Oct 2012
Hope that helps!
November 2010 Present
Freelance 3D Artist
Blacklight: Retribution characters
Firefall props
3D Artist Magazine article Shadowboxing with Style Zbrush 4 feature tutorial
3D Artist Magazine article Frankenstein Monster-style stitches Zbrush 4 tutorial
3D Artist Magazine gallery feature Blockhead artist showcase
Infamous 2 characters
League of Legends characters, props
Signal Studios Unannounced Project characters
(I should probably update that some time soon, definitely not current)
I see you don't list very much information about what you did on the projects. Do you feel that has been an issue ever? Sometimes I struggle to list stuff I did on 1-2 month contracts. Sometimes "made characters" is all I really did. Don't have much more to put down haha.