I had a question regarding rigging. This weekend, I plan to rig a
Batman character and I've been tossing a few ideas back and forth about how to rig his cape. My goal is to have something similar to that of Arkham City, where it's a combination of both bones and cloth-sim; except, all done through 3ds Max. I don't need a real-time solution, as I only plan to create animated shorts/cycled animations with the character.
I don't have much experience with simulation, but I've done some tinkering and came up with an idea that I'd like to pass by you guys:
After messing with the cloth modifier, i found a way to skin part of the mesh to his body and leave the rest for simulation. I also saw that you can have up to two different properties on the same modifier. That leads me to think I could possibly animate between the two properties and end up with a bone-driven cloth sim. Maybe that also means I could create morph targets for more specific/stylized shapes and drive the sim via shapes?
Do you think an idea like this could work with Biped? Or would I need an all custom rig..?
I'm really in unfamiliar territory here and would appreciate any feedback/advice you guys might have. Thanks everyone!
Here's some info and video tutorials.
If you dont want to use Apex, the method you are decribing is as good a place to start as any.