Hello polycounters,
I have decided to start learning 3d modeling since i will soon be studying game design at the university of Amsterdam and i want to get a head start.
Heres my model of a Kriss Vector straight out of max.
Before i unwrap this and start texturing i would like to make sure I did things right so made some parts red to indicate problems.
- Can i collapse edges here to reduce the polycount?
- I used a long box here for the base of the railing and used floating boxes on top, will this cause flickering (z-fighting)?
- Can i collapse edges like this or will this cause shading errors?
Any advice or criticism is most welcome

1. + 3. Yes, and you should collapse those edges. basically, you should collapse a bunch of stuff and run some test bakes to make sure it holds up. Sometimes you need just one cut down the middle or something like you have in 3. so the smoothing doesn't get messed up.
2. I think z fighting won't be an issue, but getting it to bake smooth normals there might be an issue. Since you have already made it this way, I would just run some test bakes to know for sure. There are so many possible ways a bake might not turn out correctly, it can be really hard to predict at times. For example, how the bakes look in max can be completely different when exported to a game engine. So again, you really need to test things out and use your best judgment.
I kinda want to agree...
"Ziet er wel goed uit!"
Really nice first model if it is, probably a lot of reading and watching tuts?
Tried some other weapons and wood in zbrush before but failed. This is the first thing i have finished and i dare to show to all the great artists on this forum
@ Brad
Thanks alot for the info! I'll get started adjusting things asap and do some test bakes.
Thanks, and yes I have done alot of research before i started. Bought alot of amazing dvd's such as the dozer and the fountain to learn about modelling and a few others on texturing. And i have been visiting polycount for a while which also helped alot.
Something i forgot to ask before, how much is the average polycount on first person weapons?