Do we have any folks here working on this?
Regardless, at long last we're going to get a conclusion to the Longest Journey/Dreamfall series. It's been quite the wait for Funcom to finish dabbling about with (sadly under appreciated) MMOs. They're operating under a new name now, but it's apparently the core of the original Dreamfall team.
While they're not as well known as some of the classic adventure game titles, I think it could be fairly argued that The Longest Journey stands amongst the very best that the genre has to offer. Dreamfall suffered from a troubled development and it showed, but it was still a compelling and well told story with one of the more brutal cliff hanger endings that I've come across.
Make it happen, folks. You know you want to.
While I have little love for Funcom left, the guys at Blink are indeed the guys from the old Dreamfall core team. AD, Anim director, tech director. All great guys! I think they worked on TLJ too (before my time at FC). Really makes me confident they can pull it off. Now where's my wallet?
For all you none Norwegian guys, here is a Google translated article from a Norwegian games news site.
Shower them with your money!