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I want to be a Enviroment Artist

polycounter lvl 8
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pr1mus polycounter lvl 8
Greetings Polycount,

I hope, this Thread is at a good place here. I have some Questions and I hope, you can answer me :)

I want to be a Enviroment Artist, not for the Money, for the fun and pleasurement of myself and to get better at this "shit" xD

So, where do I start? I've allready downloaded Blender and UDK, I have a Video Tutorial for Blender to help me get started and I've mapped for UT Classic and many other games (TF2, CS, Q3) in the past.

Because of the long Time doing nothing in this scene, I hope you could push me in the right Direction.

What do I need else, except for Blender and UDK? Is a Graphictablet neccessary?

Greetings, pr1mus

PS: Sorry for my bad English, I hope you can understand, what I mean :D


  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    work on modeling skills first. work your way up from props to buildings and other non-organic stuff. Blender and a painting program (e.g. gimp) should be enough if you're really starting at absolute 0. As your skills grow you might want to invest some more money into your hobby. Experience will tell you into which tools you want to invest.

    Graphic tablet - not necessary if you just start out. Again, when you get more experience you can decide for yourself if you think you need one.

    I wouldn't worry about UDK unless you have assets ready to use to populate a level. But then you're mostly a 'world builder'. Otherwise come up with a plan and set a goal what you want to achieve. Model the assets you need. Assemble in UDK. If you start at 0 then you want to focus on asset production skills first before moving ahead.

    good luck!
  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 13
    Kwramm nailed it

    Polycount wiki is a wonderful resource as well.

    As your grow in experience consider Softimage, Lightwave, 3dstudiomax, Maya, Modo, Cinema4d etc. and of course blender is just as viable as these are all generally good base 3d programs that stem as the main pipeline (in most cases)

    After that look into various texture programs - most people get by on just Photoshop but there's also 3dcoat, Mari, and a few others for 3d painting.

    Then after learning subdivision modeling and doing highpoly non-organic shapes and baking normals you can look into a sculpting program such as Zbrush or Mudbox and that's when having a Graphic Tablet is almost essential for some...You can buy perfectly fine tablets for $40-$50.

    Then you have your classic game engines such as UDK, Cryengine, and Unity

    Mainly I just wanted to throw names at you for the future so you can have some choices to look into.
  • pr1mus
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    pr1mus polycounter lvl 8
    Wow :) Thanks a lot. I didn´t thought, that Enviroment Artists have to Model so much too, but good to know.

    I will start to watch the Entire Tutorial Video for Blender and start making own stuff. I Have to look in such thinks like baking Normals and making own Textures.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    if you like the assembling part, this is usually the job of world builders - in some studios env artists do both, in others they're paired up with a world builder. I'm not sure how easy it is to train as world-builder though if you don't have assets ready at hand. Both 3d apps and engine editors (e.g. UDK) can be very complex, that's why it's often split up in 2 professions, even though they're very closely related.

    I remember I loved building levels in NWN and then playing with my friends, but eventually I got bored with the stock assets. You can still show creativity with those though. Then it also depends what you're after - cool and realistic looks or the gameplay. Not always do the match. E.g. many real castles are extremely narrow and crowded inside. Can't have that when you need to add combat, so you have to find the best compromise.
    But if you just do it for the heck of it then I guess looks will be more important for you than gameplay.
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    I am pretty sure you can get a student version of 3ds max for free if you go here, http://students.autodesk.com/ and then go to the free software, download, done. Remember you have to be either a student or an instructor.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14

    So, where do I start? I've allready downloaded Blender and UDK, I have a Video Tutorial for Blender to help me get started and I've mapped for UT Classic and many other games (TF2, CS, Q3) in the past?

    - I am not sure if you have much modelling background experience but I would first pick up a student license of Max or Maya (personal preference) I guess since you are doing it for fun and to get better you could just go for Blender. Learn the program before you start modelling, learn where all the tools are, learn hotkeys, ect get familiar, next start learning how to model and get the basics down and move into more complex props (starting to Unwrap and texture) - Once you are comfortable with modelling and texturing, take a look at photography and inspirational art work and pick up on composition and lighting, maybe read some books, ect. Then get into a Engine of your choice my personal preference UDK, learn about UDK and also how it works with your 3d program of choice (grid settings, character,prop units, importing/exporting, ect) start putting together a environment.

    What do I need else, except for Blender and UDK? Is a Graphic tablet necessary?

    - It's honestly not necessary, it helps a lot but you can live without it, I would use it if I were concepting my own environment or sculpting in Zbrush/Mudbox.

    I hope this helps, this is just my opinion as well so take it a you please :)
  • Jeff Parrott
  • pr1mus
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    pr1mus polycounter lvl 8
    Wow! Thanks a lot to all of you :) This is of great Help for me! I've just started to work my way through the Video Tutorial and finished a street Lantern xD A Simple one, but ok. Next one will be an Apple ;) My first own one will be my own Zippo Lighter. I hope, everything works out fine :) Thanks for all your Help and links.
    I think, others will find good stuff here too.
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