This is a sculpey maquette I've been noodling around with on the side for a little while now. He's Darkwolf from Fire and Ice. I'm going to get after it a little more aggressively after work because I'd like to enter him in the Rascal Art Event show in June. Which, for those of you who haven't heard of it is a kind of art gallery for Vancouver game industry artists to display their non game art.
So any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated so I can get this guy looking the best he can in the next couple of months.
If anyone knows of some fur sculpting techniques please share them here cause I'm not sure if I'm 100% sold on the fur that's here. I think it works a little better on the boots than the belt but let me know what you think.
And sorry for the lack of quality but the only camera I own is on my phone.
Just thought I'd post the sculpt before baking, any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
1. his calves are MASSIVE. They make his thighs seem too small proportionally.
2. The thighs aren't as big of a problem but I'd suggest you look at a few bodybuilders for reference e.g.
Also, realistically a warrior wouldn't have that much muscle separation, but of course he wouldn't look as awesome without it
-dental tools for sculpting
-think of fur as mass/ clumps and not strands.
-maybe tone down those nipples, unless he's gonna be cutting glass with those puppies
-bake at a lower temp than suggested and do it for longer. I'll try and remember the formula I snagged from some other guy, and post it later.