Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Matthew Ridding

Hey all my name is Matthew

I've been meaning to get myself a sketchbook on here for a while know and with beginning the Monthly Noob Challenge on Polycount I thought there was no better time.

Over this thread I will be trying to improve my general knowledge with software and enhance my skills since nothing is ever perfect and hopefully get some sweet portfolio pieces out.

All critiques are welcome, I'm here to improve and you can’t do that unless you get someone else’s opinion.

Cheers all and look forward to hearing what you all think.


  • crestas69
    Offline / Send Message
    And here is the first post!

    I’ve been spending as much of my spare time on this as I can but it’s still slow going unfortunately
    This is some work I've been doing for the Monthly Noob Challenge 4.

    So far I have got a general blockout but some of my perspectives a bit off and needs tweaking
    Here is also the concept that this month is working from
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