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What is the use of Point Mode?

polycounter lvl 8
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FlynT polycounter lvl 8
Hey all a question that i ask myself for quite a while now is, what is the purpose of Point Rendering? Is it a representation of Vertices or some sort of Debug visualisation?


Thanks for any light you can shed upon this mystery :icon3:


  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Does it actually work in the latest build for you? I don't know exactly what it's for either (presumably visualizing vertex density to identify heavy objects in the scene) but since the build before enabling it breaks the normal G buffer, preventing further updates and leaving a "print" of the normals where the camera was previously, performing lighting and other effects using those normals instead of those of the scene, looks weird underwater.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Didn't you mean to ask "What's the point!" ?
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    Point mode: This option turns on the point mode, it turns off almost all rendering features so editing particles can be done quicker.

    That's what I found on their wiki, never used it myself so can't give you more info than just that.
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    OH jeez, this woulda been good to know a while ago >D Sweet feature, actually, considering that layering particles on top of each other in CE can kill many computers.
  • FlynT
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    FlynT polycounter lvl 8
    @ James: It seems to work fine for me, no matter that the "new" green background hurts my eyes!

    @ Alex: Would be indeed the better title :D

    @ MeintevdS: Thanks for pointing it out, next time i should dig a bit deeper into the wiki.

    @ tristamus: Valuable informations often come to late :D

    Thanks again guys!
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