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Looking for 3D Artists for OUYA Game Project

Team name:
Kobra Studios - http://www.kobrastudios.com

Project name:
Messengers of God (Working Title).

Brief description:
MoG is a 3D tactical, 3rd person multiplayer shooter where players compete online in team based combat. Various modes of online play together with a well balanced pace to the action (Running & Gunning) versus Camping will create for a rare and rewarding player experience.

We were fans of the classic shooters for Playstation 2 such as Socom 1 / Socom 2 and feel that large companies have turned a deaf ear to the players. Our goal is to create an addicting, fun experience while listening to the feedback from our fans.

We are looking for people who are serious about joining a team of like-minded individuals. What that means is: Maturity-- understands the project before making a commitment and following through on the decision to participate.

Target aim:
PC / Multiplatform

Polished, High Quality with Indie Feel

Create playable, working demo that can be pitched to publishers or investors for funding or self-publish finished game.

At this time there is no compensation, if *big if* funding is acquired then this can be considered a paid position. At that point things will go from being a Hobby project with loose deadlines to a serious contract with obligations for those interested.

In-House 3D Engine

Talent Needed
3D Character Modeler and Animator
Primary tasks will be to Model, Texture, Rig, Weigh and Animate the characters for our game. We have a pretty good list of animations needed. This person must understand human anatomy and proportions.

3d Environment Artist / Texture Artist
Help our design team design the game maps and help block them out in 3D. Other tasks will include creating and texturing 3d props and assets.

Concept Artist / Illustrator
Drawing and painting conceptual art for characters, environments and other art as needed for reference and inspiration. Tasks may include portraits, model sheets, HUD Graphics, Web-Site and Promotional / presentational material.

Team structure (location) - Job Title:

Myself (Brasil) - Lead Game Designer
Kai (Germany) - Lead Programmer
Mike (USA) - Android Programmer
Kevin (USA) - 3D Artist
Sam (Korea) - 3D Artist
Carlos (USA) 3D Artist


PM/Post Here/E-mail j o b s [ a t ] k o b r a s t u d i o s [ d o t ] c o m

Previous Work by Team:
No previous work by team together but each has different experiences both professional and Hobby.

Additional Info:
Character Pose


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