Hey there everybody. I'd like to share what I've been working on and hopefully get some feedback on my models.
For my undergraduate final project, I'm recreating the Oval Office (as it appears after its redecorating on August 31, 2010). My goal is to create a low-poly scene with normals baked from high-poly meshes as the final presentation medium will most likely be in a game engine (probably UDK). I've modeled a lot of the base meshes I'll need for this, and I've arranged those here to give a visual teaser:

(Don't mind the flags and the curtains -- I plan to bake an nCloth simulation onto those.)
I am currently creating the high-poly versions of these pieces in either Maya or Mudbox depending on the nature of the details (more organic or minute tweaks in Mudbox, more geometric stuff in Maya). Here is my first piece with the normals from the high-poly mesh baked in (the dresser on the right side of the 2nd picture):

For the most part, I am managing the various models in this project by doing each step in waves: create all of the base meshes, then all of the high poly versions, etc. I went ahead and took this model through all of the steps (prior to adding diffuse/specular/etc.) in order to see how the process would work for the other models. This is my first major project that involves baking normals, so I wanted to get one right before attempting them all.
Here are some more high-poly meshes that I consider ready for a normal bake:

And here is the mesh I am currently working on: the Resolute Desk. It currently lacks much of the trim and detail of the original -- I am currently creating a base mesh that I plan to bring into Mudbox. This mesh is very WIP, but I wanted to at least show off what I have as of now. With a few more edge loops on the bottom and the center of the desk (as well as some other more complicated tweaks), it will soon be ready for sculpting.

I am also new to sculpting (Mudbox, ZBrush, etc.), so this project also allows me to improve that skill set. I have created this sculpt so far in Mudbox (the object is the topper for the flagpoles, which is shaped like an eagle):

Advice on this model would be much appreciated. The flag topper will not be seen in great detail in this scene (since the eagle is quite small and high up), so I am not TOO concerned with making it 100% spot-on. I still have not completed sculpting the eagle's legs, and the head needs some more work, but overall I am fairly pleased with the result.
Any and all feedback is welcome! My personal goal for this project (besides, well, making an accurate and detailed Oval Office) is to grow as a modeler and improve my sculpting and normal-baking skills, so any advice or comments you have would be wonderful.