So I decided to make a "normal" character. that is, no fanatasy or scifi elements. 2 reasons; first i wanted to see if i can make something outside my comfort zone that is intresting, and second, i really need to practise on anatomy and realistic texturing.
the concept;

the highpoly;

the tracksuit jacket is only wip, right now it looks thick like a wool sweater or something. i feel somewhat finished with the pants and shoes, spent a lot of time on the folds at the bottom of the pants, and is still not super happy with them, but i need to move on. hat is finished, and i will spend some time on the face and hair when im finished with the clothes.
my plan is to stay away from to small details like fabric texture and such on the highpoly sclupt and add it later with ndo or something. good or bad idea?
any crits are more than welcome!!
i finished the higpoly and put some sloppy polypainting on it to try out the colours...
not sure about the yellow though so will probably go closer to the concept.
started out with the retopo and baking now, not super fun but hopefully i can start texturing soon.
Really like the proportions and the work on the jeans!
i spent a couple of days uvmapping and baking everything to normalmaps. happy with most of it except the shoes. and they even have pretty high poly density. havent started on the face and hands yet.
next up is cloth texturing. jiipeeee!
More work needed on jacket though.
Do you not baked all at once?
can you specify which parts of the jacket that you dont like? or should i do the whole thing over?
also no im saving the face, hands and hair for later.
small feedback would be, i can spot some smoothing errors at the bottom hem of the jacket. might want to add another loop in there for that extra bit of sweetness.
also the hands look a bit undefined right now
ljsketch: thanks! good crit! i want them to look a bit worn in the end so i will do as you suggest and add the folds.
here's a basic blockout with the colours and a cavity-occlusion mask adding some darkness and saturation to the folds.
so started texturing the face. its by far the hardest part. i wanted to make her look tired and worn, but no there is way to much red and pink in there....
praetor187: thanks! hopefully it wont take to long...
so i spent some time on the face... its a real hassle with the alpha for the hair.
so please crit away!
some questions for anybody who bothers to answer;
should i paint more shadows in the diffuse for the face? like some ambient occlusion under the hair and such?
does the hair work? it should look like unnatural coloured hair.
is the skin to flat? should i add more tones and shadows?
is the whole face so off that i should redo all of it? i rather not but i want this to look good so...
em also, im thinking about rendering the whole thing in UDK instead of the viewport with Xoliul shader. im not sure, since people use udk for environments and such. the reason im thinking about it, is that i want to have shadows from the alpha planes in the hair. does that work in UDK?
the next thing is to go over the fabric again and work on the jeans and jacket.
not really sure how to take this further...
i want it to be somekind of tracksuit jacket so i checked some refs and added a bit of reflectivity and changed the spec. changed the colours too.
better or worse?
if so, i would try and maybe look into a different type of shader than your standard blinn, and keep playing around with spec, gloss and reflectivity
fantom: thanks man! i probably stick to the blue one then...
mr.wednesday: thanks! i tried to put the whole thing in marmorset, and heres the result;
im pretty happy with the jacket actually but the face looked better in max. ill try to fiddle around with the spec and skinshader in marmorset, to get it look right.
does anyone know if i can get transparent surfaces to have spec? like the eye lens?
but most important question is, do you like the marmorset jacket more than the max one?
ljsketch: i googled it and found a way, you can use parallax mapping apparently. but for me it was to much hasstle without enough payoff so i just skipped it. flat spec-less eyes for me. hope its not a big issue on my final renders...
so tweaking stuff in marmorset gave these results;
fixed the hat between these so will update the first one.
feedback on lighting and posing?